Orthmayr Flóra: The Electronic Archives Project in Budapest City Archives. In: Nina Gostenčnik (szerk.): Tehnični in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektronskega arhiviranja. Arhivi v globalni informacijski družbi. Zbornik mednarodne konference. Maribor, 2014. 419–426.

F. Orthmayr: The Electronic Archives Project in Budapest City Archives 420 KopintDatorg Zrt. (now called Nemzeti Infokommunikációs Szolgáltató Zrt., National Infocommunication Services, NIS), National Archives of Hungary (NAH) and Budapest City Archives (BCA) created a consortium for the realisation of this project in 2009. (Budapest City Archives, 2013) The project involved the construction of a complex e-archives system for the complete archival registry and long term preservation of digital documents with different interfaces for record generating organs and researchers. The official Hungarian guidelines for the handling of electronic documents also had to be designed. After lengthy preparations and two unsuccessful general supply procedures, in October 2012 the consortium contracted T-System Magyarország Zrt. to implement the Electronic Archives in Hungary by combining scopeArchiv and Tessella's SDB, complemented by several minor additions. Devices purchased for the project, but not directly connected to the e-archival system like special archiving scanners and high-capacity storage devices, were procured by the archives in separate procedures (Press release, 2012). As the result of the project, technical conditions described below are present in both archives. The specific examples of usage I refer to are, however, taken from the practice of Budapest City Archives. 2 THE STRUCTURE OF THE ELECTRONIC ARCHIVES The main components of this structure are the Archival Information System (AIS); the storing of digital documents in the Digital Repository (DR) and of public documents also in a separate Public SDB; the Digital Records Centre (DRC) service and the External System Interface (ESI) for record generating organs to connect to the DRC and to submit digital documents to the archives; and the Digital Archives Portal (DAP) where all public documents and metadata from both archives can be accessed by the general public. Picture 1: The Structure of the Hungarian Electronic Archives

