Orthmayr Flóra: The Electronic Archives Project in Budapest City Archives. In: Nina Gostenčnik (szerk.): Tehnični in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektronskega arhiviranja. Arhivi v globalni informacijski družbi. Zbornik mednarodne konference. Maribor, 2014. 419–426.

Tehnični in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektronskega arhiviranja, Radenci 2014 419 1.09 Objavljen strokovni prispevek na konferenci 1.09 Published Professional Conference Contribution Flóra ORTHMAYR ∗ THE ELECTRONIC ARCHIVES PROJECT IN BUDAPEST CITY ARCHIVES Abstract: National Infocommunication Services, National Archives of Hungary, and Budapest City Archives created a consortium for the realisation of the Electronic Archives project. This EU funded project, aimed at constructing a complex e-archives system in Hungary for the complete archival registry and the long term preservation of digital documents, was concluded in September 2013. The paper reports on this system and its introduction in Budapest City Archives. Key words: e-archives, preservation Izvleček: Projekt elektronskega arhiva v Mestnem arhivu Budimpešta Državna informacijsko-komunikacijska služba, Državni madžarski arhiv in Mestni arhiv Budimpešta so ustanovile konzorcij za realizacijo projekta elektronskega arhiva. Projekt, financiran s strani Evropske unije in s ciljem zgraditi kompleksen sistem elektronskega arhiva na Madžarskem za celotno arhivsko in dolgoročno hrambo digitalnih dokumentov, se je zaključil v septembru leta 2013. Prispevek podaja poročilo o tem sistemu in njegovi implementaciji v Mestnem arhivu Budimpešta. Key words: e-arhivi, hramba 1 THE ELECTRONIC ARCHIVES PROJECT The goals of the EU funded Electronic Archives project in Hungary were to improve the archival service by information technology support, to make electronic documents in archival keeping widely available, and to create an infrastructure for the long-term preservation of electronic documents, especially those generated by public administration. (Tervezési felhívás és..., 2013) The latter goal requires not only saving documents from destruction, alteration, and unauthorized access but also making them easily available and legible for authorized persons and, later, for the general public, even if by then the digital environment will have considerably changed. These functions should be also available to public institutions for the keeping of their own records before they hand them over to the assigned archives. Making available the born digital documents also entails improving the availability of digitalised documents. ∗ Flóra Orthmayr, archival information technologist, Budapest City Archives, Teve u. 3-5, H-1139 Budapest, Hungary, contact: orthmayrf@bparchiv.hu .

