Külügyi Szemle - A Magyar Külügyi Intézet folyóirata - 2009 (8. évfolyam)

2009 / 3. szám - NÉMETORSZÁG - Masát András: Régi és új pozíciók a magyar kultúra németországi megjelenésében: 1989-2009

Résumé Old and New Positions in the Appearance of Hungarian Culture in Germany, 1989-2009 If we take a look at the position of the Hungarian culture in Germany in the past 20 years, then the continuous re-positioning process can be tied to three central series of events. These are as follows: the Frankfurt book fair; the Ungarischer Akzent, the Hun­garian season in Germany and the opening of the Collegium Hungáriáim in Berlin; and the programs, or the preparations of these programs related to title of the European cultural capital gained together by Pécs and Essen, as well as the Ruhr region. How­ever, the links will be permanent only if we possess a long-term cultural strategy, which is aware of the significance of the Hungarian-German cultural relations and the politi­cal, economic, and touristic benefits deriving from them. The role of Germany in our regions is becoming more and more prominent and we should take advantage of the huge opportunities in the Hungarian-German cultural contacts despite the diversified foreign political context. This is primarily the way we can be present in a continuously changing European (political) and cultural sphere. For this the simple, that is, one­way presentation of the national culture and identity (our values and interests) is not enough; instead, we should concentrate on regional cultural dialogues - in harmony with the capabilities of our country. 2009. ősz 107

