Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2006

Message sent by President László Sólyom to the inauguration ceremony of the National Memorial Place and Monument of Germans in Hungary (on the anniversary of the expulsion of the German population in Hungary after the war) 240 Message sent by President László Sólyom to the 18 t h Festival of Hungarian Theatres Abroad (organised in Kisvárda) 241 Toast delivered by President László Sólyom at the reception for George W. Bush, President of the United States of America, arriving to Hungary on an official visit 242 Speech delivered by President László Sólyom at the commemoration in the Republic of Poland of the 50 t h anniversary of the Poznan Uprising (Poznan, 28 June 2006) 243 Government decision on the transfer without consideration of the special military clothing materials given on the basis of NATO's request in order to support the execution of the tasks performed by the Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) within the operations of the Balkan Military Peacekeeping Forces (KFOR) (2114/2006. VI.29.Korm.) 244 Government decision on the establishment and the preparation of the operation of a Hungarian led Provincial Reconstruction Team in Afghanistan (2115/2006. VI.29.) 245 Communiqué of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the official Hungarian position on the government formed in the Slovak Republic 246 Communiqué of the Minisry of Foreign Affairs - by the way of its Spokesman ­on the Hungarian membership in the Intergovernmental Committee of the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of Cultural Heritage 246 July Communiqué of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the official Hungarian position on the missile tests in North Korea 248 Communiqué of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - by the way of its Spokesman ­on the establishment of a Hungarian embassy in the Republic of Montenegro (in Podgorica) 248 Government decree on the approval (and the promulgation) on the Convention signed by the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the contact points of Pan-European Transport Corridor V on the Hungarian-Ukrainian border section (147/2006. VII. 19.Korm.) 249 XVI

