Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2006
Toast delivered by President László Sólyom at the ceremonial dinner arranged in the honour of Ahmet Necdet Sezer, President of the Republic of Turkey, on his official visit to Hungary 249 Five communiqués issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - by the way of its Spokesman - (on 25 July, 31 July, 7 August, 9 August, 31 August - the same matter!) on the diplomatic steps taken in the direction of the Slovak Republic concerning the nationalist manifestations 251 August Communiqué of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Hungarian priorities and governmental tasks to be assumed under the period of the Presidency of the Republic of Finland in the European Union 254 Joint Declaration of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria (Sofia, 25 August 2006) 255 Communiqué of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - by the way of its Spokesman on the diplomatic step taken in the direction of the Slovak Republic 256 September Toast delivered by President László Sólyom at the ceremonial dinner arranged in his honour on the occasion of his official visit to the Republic of Latvia (Riga, 5 September 2006) 257 Toast delivered by President László Sólyom at the ceremonial dinner arranged in his honour on the occasion of his official visit to the Republic of Lithuania (Vilnius, 7 September 2006) 259 Speech delivered by President László Sólyom at the reception arranged in the honour of the participants of the Forum of Hungarian Representatives in the Carpathian Basin 261 Speech delivered by President László Sólyom in the Republic of Serbia on the 500 t h anniversary of the existence of the city of Senta (Senta, 10 September 2006) 263 Declaration made by Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány on the 5 l h anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack against the USA 265 Communiqué of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 10 t h anniversary of the signing of the Hungarian-Romanian Basic Agreement 266 Government decision on the acceptance of the Protocol session No. 5 of the Hungarian-Slovak Ethnic Minority Joint Committee and on the acceptance of the Recommendations made by the Committee (2163/2006.IX. 20.Korm.) 267 XVII