Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2003

originating from the North Atlantic Treaty, for the reinforcement of Turkey's protection (12/2003./II.25./OGy.) 224 March Decision of the Government on the Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products, between the Government of the Republic of Hungary on one side, and the governments of the Republic of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway on the other side (2037/2003 ./I II.4./Korm.) 227 Communiqué of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the official Hungarian standpoint concerning the assassination of Serbia's Prime Minister 227 Briefing of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs - by the way of its Spokesman - on the diplomatic step taken with regard to the Republic of Iraq 228 Joint Communiqué of the Chairmans of Parliaments of the Quadrilatérale Member States on co-operation 228 Communiqué of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the transfer of the consular tasks of its diplomatic mission in Iraq 230 Resolution of the National Assembly on the ratification of the Agreement on the Accession of the Republic of Croatia to the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) (27/2003./III. 21,/OGy.) 231 Communiqué of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on its standpoint on the requests concerning Iraq's diplomatic mission in Budapest 231 Decision of the Government on the pledge of support offered for the strengthening of Turkey's defence capacities in the framework of performing our international legal obligations within the North Atlantic Treaty (2047/2003 ./III. 27 ./Korm.) 232 Decision of the Government on the acceptance of the new guidelines of the Australia Group 's Export Controlling Co-operation (2054/2003 ./III.27 ./Korm.) 232 April Briefing of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs - by the way of its Spokesman - on the official Hungarian standpoint on the accession of the Confederation of Serbia­Montenegro to the Council of Europe 233 Decision of the Government on the amendment of its decision of 2002 on the Hungarian military contingent participating in the NATO-led military XVIII

