Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2003

peacekeeping operations in the Balkans, and on the permission given for training abroad (2067/2003./IV. 3./Korm.) 233 Joint Declaration of the Ministers of Transport of the V-4 countries on their agreement on the implementation of the tasks serving the development of the transport of goods between their countries on the basis of the Visegrád Declaration of 2001 (Bratislava, 3 April 2003) 236 Decision of the Government on the Hungarian contribution to the peacekeeping operations in Macedonia, under the direction of the European Union (2073/2003./IV. 9./Korm.) 237 Statement issued by Prime Minister Péter Medgyessy concerning the fall of the Saddam regime in Iraq 238 Resolution of the National Assembly on the signing of the Treaty of Accession to the European Union by the Republic of Hungary, together with nine countries (37/2003.IV. 15./OGy.) 238 Decision of the Government on the amendment of its decision of 2002 on the answers to the questionnaire on defence planning in NATO in 2002 (2076/2003./IV.16.) 239 Decision of the Government on the amendment of its decision of 2002 on giving permissions for the deployment of troops involving frontier-crossing in 2003 (2077/2003./IV.16./Korm.) 240 Speech delivered by Prime Minister Dr. Péter Medgyessy at the signing of the Treaty of Accession to the European Union (Athens, 16 April, 2003) 241 Message sent by Prime Minister Dr. Péter Medgyessy to Hungarians living abroad, at the signing of the Treaty of Accession of Hungary to the European Union (Athens, 16 April 2003) 242 Decision of the Government on the subsequent approval of the agreement signed between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the Republic of Lebanon on the international road transport of passengers and goods (2081/2003./IV.24./Korm.) 243 Decision of the Government on Hungary's participation in the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (2086/2003./IV.24./Korm.) 244 Joint Declaration of the Ministers for Environment of the V-4 countries (9 t h meeting) (Kosice, 24-25 April 2003) 244 "Kosice Declaration" of the Ministers for Environment of the V-4 countries on the occasion of the Treaty signed with the European Union (Kosice, 25 April 2003) 249 XIX

