Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2000

Decision of the Government on the approval and ratification of the Declaration of Agreement signed between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the United Kingdom on co-operation in the battle against the illegal trafficking of narcotics, organized crime, international terrorism and illegal migration (No.2054/2000./III.24./Korm.) 235 Decision of the Government on the authorization of the passage through Hungary of the Polish military contingent taking part in the military exercise „Dynamic Responses - 2000" (No.2059/2000./III.24./Korm.) 235 Decision of the Government on the ratification of the Agreement on co-operation in the prevention and combating of crime crossing national boundaries, concluded in the framework of the South East European Co-operation Initiative (SECI) (No.206 1/2000./III.24./Korm.) 236 Statement of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the Hungarian official assessment of the election of the president of the Russian Federation 236 The speech of Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr János Martonyi delivered at the session of the ad hoc groups (chaired by Hungary) discussing the Verification Protocol of the Convention on the prohibition of biological weapons 237 Decision of the Government on the approval of the amendment of the Charter of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) (No.2066/2000./III.29./Korm.) 241 Joint Communiqué on the 10 t h meeting of the EU chief negotiators of Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia and Slovenia 242 April Decision of the Government on the establishment, in the Slovak Republic, of the consulate general of the Republic of Hungary, to be headquartered in Kassa (Kosice) (No.2071/2000./IV.7./Korm.) 243 Decision of the Government on the privileges and immunities due to the Danube Commission and its officials, and on the ratification of the Supplementary Protocol appended to the Convention on the headquarters of the Danube Commission (No.2075/2000./IV.7./Korm.) 243 XXII

