Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2000
Resolution of the National Assembly on the authorization of the carrying out, in Hungary, of the Hungarian-American joint military aerial training practice (No. 31/2000./IV. 14./OGy.) 244 Decision of the Government on the subsequent approval of the Agreements on the establishment of the Central European Air Traffic Control Centre (CEATS) (No.2077/2000./IV.14./Korm.) 244 Decision of the Government on the establishment, in Romania, of the consulate general of the Republic of Hungary, to be headquartered in Csíkszereda and Konstanca (No.2081/2000./IV. 14,/Korm.) 245 Act No.XXIII/2000 on the ratification and promulgation of the Agreement on the legal status of the representations and representatives of third states assigned to NATO 245 Communiqué of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the Hungarian official assessment of the approval, by the Russian Federation of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 246 The speech of State Secretary of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs János Herman on the 2000 follow-up conference of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 246 Decision of the Government on the approval of the Protocol on the HungarianRussian exchange of real properties (No.2085/2000./IV.28./Korm.) 249 Joint Statement, on the occasion of the millennium, of the heads of government of the Czech Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Hungary, the Polish Republic, and the Slovak Republic 249 M ay Resolution of the National Assembly on the adoption of the report on the foreign armed forces permitted to pass through the territory of the Republic of Hungary for the purposes of rendering assistance associated with the solution of the humanitarian emergency which had arisen in the wake of the Balkan [Yugoslav] crisis (No.40/2000./V.5./OGy.) 251 Act No.XXXI/2000 on the ratification and promulgation of the accession to Convention No. 50 of the Council of Europe relating to the formulation of a European pharmacopoeia and to Protocol No. 134, relating thereto 251 XXIII