Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2000

Comuniqué of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the diplomatic move towards Romania in connection with the fresh environmental pollution emanating from Romania 226 Decision of the Government on the approval of the Agreement signed between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on contracting for work relating to the renovation of embassy buildings (No.2046/2000./III.14./Korm.) 227 Decision of the Government on the approval and promulgation of theTreaty signed between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the Czech Republic on the exchange of trainees (No. 2047/2000./II 1. 14. /Korm.) 227 Joint statement of the foreign ministers of the Republic of Hungary, the Polish Republic and the Czech Republic on the occasion of the 1 s t anniversary of their accession to NATO 228 Decision of the Government on the ratification and promulgation of the accession to Convention No. 50 on the formulation of the pharmacopoeia of the Council of Europe and the associated Protocol (No.2049/2000./III.22./Korm.) 229 Statement of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in connection with the presidential elections in Taiwan 229 The speech of Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr János Martonyi at the 2 n d Szeged Conference of the South East European Stability Pact 230 The Closing Statement of State Secretary of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Zsolt Németh and Special Coordinator Bodo Hombrach, the Co-Chairs of Working Table I of the South East European Stability Pact, on the 2 n d Szeged Conference of the Pact 232 Resolution of the National Assembly on the ratification of the Convention on the prohibition of child labour, adopted by the UN/ILO (17/2000./III.24./OGy.) .... 234 Resolution of the National Assembly on the adoption of the the report on the international labour conventions and recommendations (18/2000./III.24./OGy.).. 234 XXI

