Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1992

July Remarks by Prime Minister József Antall at the summit conference of the CSCE-countries in Helsinki 25b. Letter addressed by Prime Minister József Antall to Boris Jeltsin, President of the Russian Federation on financial issues in connection with the withdrawal of the Soviet troops 261. Statement delivered by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the standpoint concerning the situation in Yugoslavia 262. Remarks by Prime Minister József Antall at the conference of the Heads of Government and Foreign Ministers of the Central-European Initiative (CEI) member countries in Vienna 263. Speech delivered by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at an international conference on aiding the refugees escaping from the former Yugoslavia held in Geneva 26b. A IL g u s Í Statement declared by the Government of the Republic of Hungary on the Hungarian national minorities 272. Statement delivered by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the occassion of the Third World Meeting of Hungarians 275. Welcoming address by Prime Minister József Antall at the opening session of the Third World Meeting of Hungarians 276. Speech delivered by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the Yugoslavia-Conference in London 283. XIX

