Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1992

Leiter by Prime Minister József Antall addressed to the Prime Minister of the Czec h and Slovak Federal Republic and to the Head of Government of the Republic of Slovakia 2bb. September Orientation delivered by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the standpoint concerning the situation in Yugoslavia 290. Communique issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the frontier guarding measures relating certain persons coming from Yugoslavia 290. Lecture delivered by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky in Bratislava, titled as 'The way of the Slovak-Hungarian Compromise" 29 1. Joint Communique issued by the Republic ol Hungary and the Kingdom of Belgium 302. Information statement issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the standpoint relating the UN Security Council's resolution on Iraq 305. Orientation delivered by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on a diplomatic step in connection with the Yugoslavian crisis 306. Communique issued by I lie Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the consideration ol the referendum in France concerning the Maastricht Treaty 307. Address delivered by Prime Minister József Antall at the inauguration cermony of the Danube-Main­Rheine Channel in Nürnberg 307. XX

