Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1992
Lecture by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky in the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington 129. Speech delivered by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the summit conference of the UN Security Council member states in New York 136. February Letter by Prime Minister József Antall addressed to Doris Jeltsin, President of the Federation of Russia on tending the graves of soldiers slain in Russian territory 142. Joint Communique on the talks between the Foreign Ministers of the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Dielorussia 143. Note Vergal to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (In response to the letter by Prime Minister M. Calla) 14 5. Statement by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the Hungarian-Roumanian relations 146. Letter by Prime Minister József Antall addressed to Marian Calfa, Head of the Federational Government of Czecho-Slovakia 147. Lecture delivered by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the Conference of the ASPEN Institute in Bologna 1 53. March Resolution by the National Assembly on the passing of the UN peace-keeping forces (UNPROFOR) through Hungary (Resolution No.6/ 1992. III. 1 1 .OGy.) 163. XIV