Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1992

Communique by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the Hungarian consideration of the joint statement delivered by the European Communities and the United States of America on the Southern Slav crisis 164. Speech delivered by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the CSCE follow-up meeting in Helsinki 165. April Resolution by the National Assembly on the termination of the Hungarian - Czecho slovak Contract on the Implementation and Operation of the Üös-Nagymaros barrage system, signed in 1977 (Resolution No. 12/1992.1V.4.0Gy.) 172. Joint Communique on the work meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Hungary and Ukraine held in Beregszász and Nyíregyháza 174. Joint Declaration delivered by the Foreign Ministers of the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Ukraine on the provision for the protection of the rights of national minorities 177. Statement by the Ministry for Foreign Allais on the standpoint of the Republic of Hungary concerning LSosnia-i lercegovina 178. Address by Prime Minister József Antall at the first general assembly of the E13RD Governing Council (held in Budapest) 1 79. Information statement by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on diplomatic steps in connection with Hungarian-Yugoslavian relations 185. XV

