Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv 1991

September Communique on the official visit to Hungary by Vilautas Landsbergis, President of the Republic of Lithuania 276. Communique on the working visit by Prime Minister József Antall to Yugoslavia 277. Lecture by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky in the Hague entitled "The changing face of security in Europe" 278. Resolution No. 43/1991.(IX. 6.) OGy. by the National Assembly on the relations between the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Esthonia, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Lithuania 289. Resolution No. 44/ 1991 .(IX. 6.) OGy. by the National Assembly on ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of Roumania signed on 11th May 1991 concerning the establishment of the "Open Sky" system 289. Communique on the official visit to Japan by Prime Minister József Antall 290. Speech delivered by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at fbe CSCE Conference on the Human Rights (in Moscow) ....291. Communique on the official visit by Prime Minister József Antall to the Republic of France 297. Communique on the working visit by Prime Minister József Antall to the Federal Republic of Germany 297. Communique on the visit to Hungary by Ramiz Alia, President of Albania 298. Statement by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on its standpoint concerning the violation of Hungary's air-space by Yugoslavia 299. XXI

