Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv 1991
Communique on the official visit to Hungary by Franz Vranitzky. Federal Chancellor of Austria 300. Lecture by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky in Paris in the Institute of International Relations entitled "Europe at the parting of the ways" 301. Declaration by the Government of the Republic of Hungary on its standpoint concerning the situation in Yugoslavia 315. Statement by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the session of the UN Security Council on the standpoint of Hungary concerning the Yugoslavian crisis 316. October Address by Prime Minister József Antall in New York at the XLVI. session of the UN General Assembly 321. Communique on the Hungarian-Czechoslovakian-Polish summit in Krakow 329. Communique on the official visit by Prime Minister József Antall to the Republic of Poland 330. Hungarian-Polish Joint Declaration concerning the situation in Yugoslavia launched by the Heads of Government 331. Foreign Minister's report on the Goverment's foreign policy at the session of the National Assembly 332. Statement by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the Hungarian standpoint concerning the situation in Yugoslavia 347. Statement by the Spokesman of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs concerning the diplomatic protest of Yugoslavia 349. XXII