Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1989
Account and report by László Kovács, Secretary of State of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, on the official visit made by George Bush President of US of America (Interview-Excerpts) 263. Communique on the official working visit to the Soviet Union made by Rezső Nyers, President of the HSWP as well as Károly Grósz, General Secretary of the HSWP 269. Communique issued by the session of the HSWP Central Committee (Foreign Policy Chapter) 270. August Declaration by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the Roumanian diplomatic protest concerning a Hungarian television program .. 272. Position taken up by the HSWP CC Political Managing Committee in a case of Warsaw Treaty military inervention in Czechoslovakia in 1968 272. Communique on the official working visit to the Federal Republic of Germany by Miklós Németh, member of the Presidium of HSWP CC and Chairman of the Council of Ministers, as well as Foreign Mi- nister dr .Gyula Horn, member of the HSWP CC Political Managing Committee 273. September Stand by the HSWP Central Committee: - Taking the initiative to strengthen the regional security 274. Communique on the official friendly visit to Hungary by José Eduardo dos Santos, President of the People's Republic of Angola 276. Communique on the official visit to Hungary by Carlos Andres Perez of the Republic of Venezuela 276. Position taken by the government of Hungarian People's Republic concerning the GDR cititens' chance to travel ahead 277. Statement by Foreign Minister dr .Gyula Horn relating the case of citizens of the German Democratic Republic staying in Hungary (Interview) 277. Diplomatic reply note handed by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary to the note of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the German Democratic Republic dated in September 12,1989 280.