Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1989

Letter by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Hungarian People's Republic to Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, at the 25th An­niversary of the Hungary-Vatican agreement 282. Declaration taken up by the Hungarian Parliament on participation of Hungary in the Warsaw Treaty military intervention in Cze­choslovakia in 1968 283. Address by Foreign Minister dr .Gyula Horn in New York at the XLrV. session of the General Assembly of the United Nations 284. October Communique on the official visit to Hungary taken by Mario Alberto Soares, President of the Portuguese Republic 291. Thesis and positions concerning foreign issues of the Hungarian So­cialist Party established in succession to HSWP during the XD7. Congress of the HSWP (Standpoint and Program Excerpts) 291. Communiques on the working visits to Czechoslovakia in 11 Octo­ber and in 22 October, 1989 by Miklós Németh, Chairman of the Council of Ministers 292. Communique on the working meeting of the Prime Ministers of Hun­gary and Austria 294. Communique issued by the session (held in Warsaw) of the Foreign Ministers' Committee of the Warsaw Treaty Member States 295. I November Communique on the friendly working visit to Yugoslavia by Miklős Németh, member of the Presidium of Hungarian Socialist Party (HSP) and Chairman of the Council of Ministers 299. Communique by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the position of the government concerning certain parties with protesting purpo­se 300. Official Hungarian protest by reason of violations of human rights in Roumania as in case of László Tőkés 300.

