Hidrológiai Közlöny, 2018 (98. évfolyam)
2018 / 1. szám
2 Hidrológiai Közlöny 2018. 98. évf. 1. sz. Hungarian Journal of Hydrology Journal of the Hungarian Hydrological Society Published quarterly Editor-in-Chief: János Fehér Assistant Editors: Éva ÁCS Károly Konecsny László Nagy Editorial Board Chairman: András SzöllőSI-Nagy Editorial Board Members: Éva Ács, Gábor Baranyai, Mária Bbzdán, Péter BÍRÓ, Tibor BÍRÓ, János BOGÁRDI, Géza Csörnyei, Zsuzsanna Engi, János Fehér, László Fejér, Balázs Fekete, Tamás Gampel, József Gayer, Géza FIajnal, István Ijjas, Vera Istvánovics, János Józsa, Zoltán Kling, Károly KONECSNY, Sándor KOVÁCS, Veronika Major, Zoltán Melicz, László Nagy, Judit Rákosi, István RÁTKY, Pál Román, János Adolf SZABÓ, Ferenc SZILÁGYI, József Szilágyi, Lajos Szlávk, János Szolgay, Péter Szűcs, János Tamás, István Vágás, Zoltán Vekerdy Publisher: Hungarian Hydrological Society H-1091 Budapest, Üllői út 25., Hungary Tel: +36-(l)-201-7655; Fax:+36{1 >202-7244; Email: titkarsag@hidroloizia.hu Web: wwvv.hidrologia.hu Represented by: Lajos Szlávik, President of the Hungarian Hydrological Society Email: iitkarsag@hidrologia.hu Advertising: Tamás GAMPEL, Secretary General of the Hungarian Hydrological Society H-1091 Budapest, Üllői út 25., Hungary Phone: +36-( 1 >201 -7655. Fax:+36{l>202-7244 Email: fotitkar@hidrologia.hu Indexed in: Appl. Mech.; Rew. Chem.; Abstr. Fluidex;. Geotechn. Abstr.; Meteor / Geoastrophys. Abstr. Sei.; Water Res. Abstr. Index: 25374 HU ISSN 0018-1323 Contents János FEHÉR: Foreword......................................................................3 Speech of János ÁDER President of the Hungarian Republic at the 8th World Water Forum ......................................................5 HISTORICAL SNAPSHOT László Fejér: The background of a dedication ..............................7 SCIENTIFIC PAPERS Miklós KOZÁK: Irregularities and their causes, prevention and lessons learnt after putting dams into operation .......................8 Zoltán SZIGYÁRTO: Operation of emergency flood retention reservoir system working with perpetuated flood levels ....... 15 Zoltán LIPTAY: River ice occurrence forecast based on the theory of weighted mean temperature on the Hungarian section of the Danube River .....................................................25 Judit NAGY, Tímea KISS, Károly FIALA: Floodplain aggradation along the Lower Tisza. Part II: Natural levee formation and its influencing factors .......................................33 Gyöngyi FARKAS-KARAY, Géza HAJNAL, Steffen BIRK, Vilmos VASVÁRI: Numerical analysis of the effect of nonlinear flow on pumping tests ...............................................40 Márton Miklós SZÍN ETÁR, Péter CSÁKI, Gábor KEVE, Zoltán GRIBOVSZKI: Effects of the changing climatic conditions on the water balance - Case study on the Bácsbokodi-Kígyós watershed ..................................................50 Ágnes KUN: Reuse of effluent water of intensive fish farm for irrigation purposes: Assessment of water quality ..................60 Bianka CSITÁRI, Attila SZABÓ, Anna BEDICS, Barbara BECKER, Kristóf KORPONAI, Emil BOROS, Lajos VÖRÖS, Boglárka SOMOGYI, Tamás FELFÖLDI: Data regarding the planktonic bacteria with potential role in the transformation of nitrogen compounds in soda pans in Hungary ...........................................................................................71 FÓRUM Statement of the Water Supply and Sewerage Committee of the Water Resources Management Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences ...............................................77 Prof. Dr. István ZSUFFA is remembered .....................................78 BOOK REVIEW László NAGY: Levee breaches in the Carpathian Basin. Formation conditions of levee breaches .................................81 Irma DOBOS and Gyula SCHEUER: Hydrogeochemistry of some major domestic and foreign medicinal waters................82 Cover page photos: Zsigmond VIZY, Danube Museum Middle Tisza District Water Directorate (lower left comer)