1989. január (számozatlan) / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2

is «HÜMe<»RMN OCTOeE*>-> _ J llOlroi:^”^, ©SÉffi Editor: György Krassó * 24/D Little Russell Street * London, WC1A 2HN * Tel. 01-430 2126 (írom abroad 441-430 2126) 30th February, 1990 (25th January, 1989) What will Haopen Tomorrow? 1. Announcer: .... In his speech yesterday Bush the American President greeted Mr Gorbachov's new peace proposal, bút said that the unión of the United States of America and the Soviet Union under eommon government could nőt go ahead as no agreement has been made as to where to site the new Capital, in Alaska or on the Csuks peninsula. The President wamed the allies to view the multi-lateral dis- armament proposal made by Gorbachov with suspicion. 2. Announcer; You have been listening to our foreign policy commentary. London speáking. The Hungárián October Freepress Information Service's report will now be read out. 1.Announcer: Today, February 30th 1990, the Hungárián nation's democratic mass movement is increasing in strength. The protest strike continues in nearly all the country's biggest factories and industries against the imposition of drastic inflation- ary measures in January and the crippling taxes. In Miskolc, Salgótarján, Debrecen and in many workers districts in Budapest, such as Csepel and Kőbánya, the working women have occupied the ABC stores and other supermarkets on behalf of the Workers Revolutionary Alliance. The workers in the Bekéssámson cooperative have started a new action : they are offering industrial workers direct barter of products by with- drawing the contractor and trade network. In Szeged the University students are having a sit out, which would probably have happened anyway duó to the hard winter and unheated premises, and they have asked Budapest students to jóin them. The intelligentsia is alsó acting. The Writers Democratic Union (which was the Writers Alliance) have expressed anxiety at present developraents, they propose conciliation negotiations mediated by a three member writers committee. In the Jurta Theatre the Free Democrats Alliance held a big meeting in which a 17 point plán was adopted to solve the crisis. Spokespeople frora the Alliance' s deputy body stressed that the democratic opposition have never incited violent action bút have anticipated events; the political leadership responsible fór the present situation has fór a decsfie obstinately closed its ears in meetings conducted with the Beszélő editorial board. The Hungárián Democrats Party which was formed recently out of the Hungárián Demo­cratic Fórum have issued a declaration which warns the government nőt to use further violence and asks the working eláss to be self-controlled and sober. Small oppo­sition groups have expressed their solidarity with the workers in leaflets which they distribute on the streets of Budapest advertising a showing of a videó of the biggest strikes made by the INCONNU independent art group, it will be shown in clubs an and priváté flats. The Council of Ministers spokesperson denied that 28 000 members of the Ferenc Münnich Society who belong to the Ministry of the Interior, are Party secretaries, factory managers and militiamen, are occupying the roof tops of Central buildings in Budapest with the government's approval. He alsó contradicted rumours that members of the Society were disarmed by the authorities. "The government is in control of the situation" he said and quoted Imre Pozsgay's words said at today's eiraordinary session of the Council of Ministers: "The government will form more commitees to speed up the process of reform, with the help of independent organ- isations,it asks democratic groups to help to restore order. The strikers are nőt helping the supply situation which is difficult enough as it is and do nőt help to solve any problems. I hope that the sane leaders of the Hungárián workers will limderstand and support the government's policy and convince their fellow- workers to go back to work *nd to avoid a state of emergency" - said Imre Pozsgay. ' ' ' ‘ ' ' "í Subscribers can use or quote the Hungárián October newsletters in totál or in detail as long as the source is acknowledged.

