S. Mahunka szerk.: Folia Entomologica Hungarica 34/1. (Budapest, 1981)

t not the brilliant metallic green of that species, the antennae are also shorter and more robust. Head and pronotum bluish-black, abdomen black, antennae with first two and basal two thirds of the third segment reddish, segments four to ten black, last segment creamy-white. Elytra green, scutellum black; legs pale yellow, bristles black. Head broader than long (4.5:3), moderately shining, with a few punctures near the eyes and on the temples, with distinct alutaceous microsculpture arranged more or less in a circular de­sign; eyes slightly convex, their longitudinal diameter a little shorter than the length of the temples which are rounded; antennae with the first three segments longer than broad, segments four to ten gradually shortening to as long as broad for nine and ten, last segment as long as penultimate, emarginate at apex, also segments with setae. Pronotum as long as broad, moderately shining, with two rows of four punctures each, with others laterally with a few slender bristles with rather confused microsculpture, narrowing a little to posterior margin. Elytra as broad as long, mo­derately shining, not densely punctured , with short setae slender bristles laterally, surface slightly irregular, suture raised and bordered. Scutellum with punctures of various sizes and with microsculpture. Abdomen dull, tergites with elongate punctures at the base, sparingly setose, narrowing to the apex. Legs not densely spinose. Length 7 mm. Holotype p unique, Lufa, Mount Michael, 15.12.1974 (B . Hornabrook). Author's address: H.P.. LAST Woodville, Hillside Walk, Storrington, W.Sussex England

