Folia archeologica 43.

MATERIAL OF THE KISKEVÊLY CAVE 15 boss on its side. Using modern term these finds are of Late Bronze Age, belonging to Hallstatt A. period. We tried to divide lithic tool material into a Neolithic and a Paleolithic group on the basis of their stratigraphical data, typology and identification of their raw mate­rials. In some cases we managed to do it, sometimes we were able to do it only approxi­mately. Differences in typological separation emerged especially when the item in question had not typological features characteristic of a given culture (e.g. unretou­ched blades). As for stratigraphical separation from the very first only the original or­der of their coming to light written on the tools themselves during the excavation gi­ves us some information. We considered a typologically inseparable material inven­torized together as to be Neolithic altogether if the assemblage contains several items which can be determined as Neolithic on some ground (e.g. high gloss on the tools). The following items from the Kiskevêly cave listed below meet one or more re­quirements mentioned above therefore we classify them to be Neolithic finds: Pb 392: regular, conical obsidian core Pb 393: regular, conical obsidian core Pb 394: middle part fragment of an unretouched blade, obsidian Pb 395: pointed distal fragment of an unretouched blade, obsidian Pb 410: unretouched blade, obsidian Pb 415: unretouched blade-like flake, obsidian Pb 809: originally 9 flakes were under the same inventory number - one of them was handed to Ida Kutzián by the Hungarian National Museum for further studies; one retouched flake is burnt, the others: 809/a: chisel-edged rim of a conical core, obsidian 809/b: longitudinal fragment of a flat core, with chisel edge, radiolarite 809/c: triangular flake, obliquely struck with abrupt retouch 809/d: retouched flake (Hillebrand's find no. 19) 809/e: unguiform scraper 809/f : retouched flake (Hillebrand's find no. 96) 809/ g : raclette = retouched flake (Hillebrand's find no. 85) Pb 810: there unworked flakes (original determination); one of them, marked as 810/b is a flat, conical core with multidirectional debitage of blades. Pb 811 : Five worked flakes, among them 811 /a : double lateral burin on a flake (Hil­lebrand's find no 69/b): scraper-chisel combined tool on a flake with high ridge. Pb 812: 27 more or less worked fragments, flakes Pb 813: 50 flakes, with their original serial numbers (from 6 till 173) got during the excavation by Hillebrand. It is highly possible that among them there are items which could have got there from Tower layers, but an intensive use gloss can be observed on some of them. Pb 818: blade (Hillebrand's find no. 37) 108/914. 10. unguiform scraper made of Bakony radiolarite 11 blade-like flake made of Bakony radiolarite Summing up we determine 102 tools as belonging to the Neolithic which con­sidering the scarcity of other finds (ceramics, bones) seems to be a bit too many. It is probable that also genuine Upper Paleolithic finds had mixed up into them, but at the time being, we are unable to separate them from the Neolithic oqes. Bone tools: The so called "Kiskevélyi type tooth blades" will be discussed later. In the inventory of Hillebrand-Mottl the following items are registered as Magdalenian:

