Folia archeologica 43.
16 VIOLA T. DOBOSI - ISTVÁN VÖRÖS Pb. 404, 405, 406, 108/914.27. These items are certainly not Paleolithic, neither Prehistoric perforated-chiseled-carved-faceted bone objects; Pb 491 : perforated red deer phalanx (Fig. 4.2., it is not included in my earlier paper on prehistoric musical instruments 2 1). It may be a prehistoric object though its Pleistocene origin seems to be not very probable because the bone is too well preserved. Pb. 476, 477: certainly not Paleolithic bone awls, though it is possible that they are prehistoric tools. 108/014.28—29: the manufacture of the red deer antler stalk could be Paleolithic. Upper Paleolithic finds It is Hillebrand's Magdalenian which Vértes, on the basis of the material of the three important NE Transdanubian caves called Pilisszántó culture. 2 2 We question the reason of the existence of the terminus technicus "Pilisszántó culture" on more than one grounds: — the biassed, insufficient list of types which suggests rather function than means some specific cultural feature — we need more solid topographic-chronological-stratigraphical proofs and also other data to establish a new culture. Our data available are still insufficient. — We have discussed earlier this in details during the revision of the Pilisszántó cave and the contacts between the so-called Pilisszántó culture and the open-air sites in the Danube Bend area are obvious. 2 3 Generally we may say that in the Kiskevély cave it is the material of the yellowyellowish grey Late Pleistocene layers which belongs to this group (Fig. 2.). Scrapers: Pb 409: Endscraper with oval working edge on a regular blade, retouched along its left edge and backed along its right edge, made of Szeleta raw material (glassy quartzporphyry). "Szeleta" raw material occurs both in the Jankovichian material of the Jankovich cave and at the Upper Paleolithic site Pilismarót-Diós, therefore contemporaneity with the latter-mentioned is proved indirectly. Pb 490: flake scraper (original determination: point-like fragment), made of the flake of a flint pebble of fine texture. Burins: Pb. 458: blade, truncated crosswise at its base with an atypic burin-like part (haft) at its left edge. Its distal end is obliquely struck Pb. 473 : regular burin at the end of a regular blade with middle edge Pb. 810 : separated from a group consisiting 810 items - middle burin made on a concavely truncated flake with a hugh ridge 108/914.2.: blade with trapezoid cross-section, with worked plan de frappe, regular lateral burin 108/914.6.: regular lateral burin on an obliquely truncated blade 108/914.17.: burin on a microblade retouched all along its left edge 2 1 Dobosi, V. 1985. 2 2 Vértes, L. 1954, 15; Vértes, L. 1957. lb,Jánossy, D.-Kretzoi, M.-Varrók, S.-Hermann, M.-Vértes, L. 1957.35. 2 3 Dobosi, V. 1981. 26; Dobosi, V.-Vörös, I. 1986. 52; Dobosi, V. -Vörös, I.-Krolopp, E.-Szabó, J.-Ringer, Á.-Schweitzer, F. 1983. 298.