Fogorvosi szemle, 2009 (102. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)
2009-04-01 / 2. szám
62 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 102. évf. 2. sz. 2009. Dr. Márton K, Dr. Balázs P, Dr. Bánóczy J, Dr Kivovics P: Dental public health status of Hungary at the first decade of the 21-st century Despite the great improvements in the oral health status of the population, public health and dental public health continue to be a major problem in the society. A number of epidemiological studies revealed the importance of the social, behavioral and environmental factors contributing to inequalities in the maintenance and restoration of oral health. Dental public health is the science and art of preventing oral diseases, promoting oral health and improving the quality of life through the organized efforts of the society. Aim of the authors was to provide an overview about the development and the functions of the Hungarian public health and dental public health system, its associations with the international dental public health organizations and about the present dental public health status of the Hungarian nation. According to WHO pathfinder studies, Hungarian nation has a usual cariological and periodontal status in Europe, but a number of WHO statistical analyzes point the sad situation regarding the high frequency of oral malignances in this country. Social supporting system is given, the tasks are in front of us, and Hungary intends to follow the oral health strategies of the WHO for 2020 in order to improve the dental public health status of the nation, but it is necessary to declare that not only behavioral but also political decisions are necessary for that goal. Key words: dental public health, social factors, preventive approach HELYREIGAZÍTÁS A Fogorvosi Szemle 101. évf. 4. sz. (augusztus) 161. oldalon az angol nyelvű összefoglalóban a DR. WOLFDIETER GRIMM társszerző neve helytelenül van feltüntetve, ezért az összefoglalót ismételten közöljük. DR. MOLNÁR B, DR. KÁDÁR K, KIRÁLY M, PORCSALMY B, DR. SOMOGYI E, DR. HERMANN P, DR. GRIMM WD, DR. GERA I, DR.VARGA G: Isolation, coltivation and characterisation of stem cells in human periodontal ligament Recent studies have revealed the presence of postnatal stem cells in tissues of dental origin. Our objective was to establish a standardized in vitro model system to investigate periodontal regenerative procedures for potential clinical application. We aimed to prepare primary cell cultures from human periodontal ligament and to identify clonogeric progenitor cells. After scraping PDL tissue from extracted wisdom teeth, the extracellular matrix was enzymatically degraded to obtain isolated cells for culturing. The effect of FCS and Emdogain on cell viability of the cultures was estimated by MTT-assay. Cell populations expressing STRO-1 mesenchymal, c-kit embryonic and CD34 hematopoetic stem cell markers were identified by FACS-analysis. We successfully established primary cell cultures from the human PDL. The poliferation rate of the cultures was enhanced by the supplementation of the culture medium by serum or Emdogain. The PDL cultures contained cells capable of colony-formation, as well as cells with STRO-1, c-kit and CD-34 expression. The primary cultures were maintained through multiple passages. These findings present a novel opportunity to further investigate the differentation and proliferation of PDL derived cells potentially capable of periodontal regeneration. Key words: periodontal ligament, periodontal regeneration, postnatal stem cell, cell therapy