Fogorvosi szemle, 2008 (101. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)
2008-04-01 / 2. szám
48 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 101. évf. 2. sz. 2008. Dr. Juhász A: The importance of microleakage in endodontics: Conclusions for the endodontic practice There is a difference between the clinically and even radiographically determined success for endodontic therapy. One of the main reasons for reduced success rate is the poor quality of root canal treatment namely the presence of microleakage. Shortcomings created during preparation, including canal transportation and canal deformities resulted in reduced healing rate of treated cases. Curvatures or irregular shape can hamper the proper cleaning of the whole root canal even by the latest generation of instruments available on the market. More recently published papers have emphasized the increasing role of usage of chemical agents to complete debridement of the root canal system. Some authors suggested to replace the root canal instrumentation with using special kind of chemical agents more frequently. Does the introduction of non instrumentation technique or another kind of idea for cleaning and shaping of the root canal system can significantly change the treatment outcome of the root canal fillings in the future? Key words: chemical agents, endodontic success, instrumentation, microleakage, root canal preparation HIRDETÉS Fogszabályozás előkészítéséhez és / vagy megelőzéséhez szükséges komplex logopédiai terápia a magánrendelésemen. Szeretettel várok minden jelentkezőt! Mobilszámom: 06-20-912-1834 E.mail címem: HIRDETÉS Teljes fogtechnikai labor eladó Bécsben, 3 teljes munkahely, elszívó, kerámia, öntőgép, minden. Euro: 15000 E-mail cím: Telefon: 00 43 69911144482