Fogorvosi szemle, 2007 (100. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)
2007-02-01 / 1. szám
5 Kivovics P, Sajgó P, Jáhn M, Kulcsár E: Experiments with titan alloys in prosthodontics....................................72 Komlóssy A: Preparation for incidents in the dental surgery...................................................................................72 Koppány F, Joób-Fancsaly Á, Pataky L, Szabó Gy, Barabás J: The role of the dentist in osteoporosis check-up diagnostic possibilities....................................................73 Kovács V, Kövesi Gy, Gera I: Necrotizing sialometaplasia - a case report............................................................73 Kövesi Gy, Szende B: Prognostic significance of cyclin d1, p27 and p63 in oral leukoplakia..............................73 Marada Gy, Szabó Gy: Possibility of tooth shade determination in prosthetic dentistry.......................................74 Marcin P, Pallós M: Splints therapy as preprosthodontic treatment.......................................................................74 Matusovits D, Perényi J, Turzó K, Radnai M, Donath K, Jennissen HP, Fazekas A: Study of the efficacy of rhbmp-2 on osseogenesis in animal model..........................................................................74 Molnár B, Kádár K, Varga G: Dental stem cells-new perspectives in dentistry?...................................................74 Molnár B, Kövesi Gy, Darvas Zs: The role of histamine and telomerase in the malignant transformation of oral leukoplakia ....................................................................................................................75 Mukics A, Tóth V: Increasing the effectiveness of periodontal maintenance therapy by corsodyl or hydrogen-peroxide gel applying in night guard splints..............................................................................75 Németh Zs: Features of the implant neck and the success rate of sinus floor elevation......................................75 Orosz M, Sárközi K, Gábris K, Vajdovich I: The role of dental implantation in the treatment of missing upper anterior teeth.............................................................................................................................76 Pongrácz A, Andrei A, Pongrácz IM: Minimal-invasive rehabilitation of occlusal surfaces lost due to acid erosion and mechanical abrasion (a case report)..............................................................76 Radnai M, Gorzó I, Nagy E, Urbán E, Eller J, Novák T, Pál A: Early localised periodontitis - a possible risk factor for pre-term birth.......................................................76 Radnai M, Heintz R, Gorzó I, Fazekas A: Up-to-date treatment of the partial edentulous dentition (a case report).................................................................................................................77 Róth L, Hajdú Z, Hermann P, Gerle J: Various male and female part connections in precision attachments........................................................................................77 Sculean A: Periodontal treatment modalities in the aesthetic zone around natural teeth...................................77 Szabó Gy, Marada Gy, Szántó I, Szentpétery A, Mike TJ: Preparation for testing psychometric properties of hungarian version of oral health impact profile.......................................................................77 Szűcs A, Divinyi T: Possibilities of the clinical testing of the osseointegration of dental implants.......................78 Toldi F: Immediate loading - presentation (a case study).......................................................................................78 Tollas Ö, Somogyi E, Lindeisz F, Fejérdy P: Some characteristics of distal cantilever bridges on the basis of two representative studies ..........................................................................................................78 Tóth V, Berki T, Mukics A, Bán Á: Infection of inflammatory cytokines by multiplex bead array (cba) method after and before periodontal treatment..............................................................................................79 Tóth Zs: Preparation of immediate dentures by means of insertion of ortoplant implants..................................79 Tóth Zs, Kádár L, Kivovics P: The constructing of the new dental arch in the prosthetic rehabilitation of the cleft lip and palate patient...............................................................................................80 Ungváry K, Perényi J, Smehák Gy, Szamosközi A, Rovó L, Radnai M: The influence of wearing complete denture on phonetics.............................................................................80 Vajdovich I, Tóth Zs, Bandula M: Immediate loading of implants on the basis of literature and long time experience with denTi implant insertions................................................................................80 Vályi P, Danyi K, Halász J, Schaff Zs, Fazekas A, Bőgi K: Role of the tight-junction associated occludins in maintaining periodontal health ..................................................................................................81 Varga P: Place of bone splitting operations in implantology - practical evaluation.............................................81 Végh A, Borsos G: Insertion methodology of distally positioned palatal implants in dolescents applied for the clinical practice....................................................................................................81 Windisch P, Szendrői-Kiss D, Horváth A, Gera I, Sculean A: Vertical alveolar ridge augmentation around periodontally compromised teeth...............................................................................82 Zoltán K, Szabó Gy, Czirják L, Szántó I: Difficulties of treatment in patient with systemic sclerosis - a pilot study.............................................................................................................82