Fogorvosi szemle, 2007 (100. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2007-02-01 / 1. szám

A MAGYAR FOGORVOSOK EGYESÜLETE XVII. ÁRKÖVY VÁNDORGYŰLÉSÉN ELHANGZOTT ELŐADÁSOK ABSZTRAKTJAI 2006. augusztus 31- szeptember 2., Debrecen Mark A, Bodrogi A: Full ceramic systems in aesthetic dentistry..........................................................................243 Bartha A, Tarján I, Varga G, Zelles T, László F: The effect of the systemic inflammation on the secretion of the parotis...........................................................................................................................243 Bencze I, Kenderfi G, Orosz G: Short summary of recent therapy of sialolithiasis...........................................244 Borsos G, Végh A: Comparison of the palatal implant and a conventional tooth-connected anchorage system in adolescents................................................................................................................244 Bereczkei Á, Katona J: Manifestation of ascaris lumbricoides infection in the maxillofacial region................244 Csadó K, Schmideg Gy, Kivovics P: Anatomical changes in the structure of temporomandibular joint investigated in edentulous patients ...................................................................245 Csiki I, Végh A: Hungarian cephalometric values compared with ricketts’ norms.............................................246 Fábián TK, Kovács Sz, Müller O, Fábián G, Marten A, Fejérdy P: Some aspects of existential psychotherapy in dentistry............................................................................246 Gábris K, Tarján I: Numerical anomalies of teeth in syndromes; treatment possibilities...................................246 Gera I, Rosta P, Kovács V: The clinical relevance of periodontal supportive therapy in the control of further periodontal attachment loss......................................................................................247 Gerle J, Balogh Zs, Hermann P, Borbély J: Zirconium oxide ceramic restorations...........................................247 Gorzó I, Radnai M, Eller J, Novák T, Heffner N, Pál A: The effect of periodontal treatment for the outcome of pregnancy.............................................................................................................................248 Gyurkovics M, Győrfi A, Iványi I, Fazekas Á, Rosivall L: Diameter changes of gingival vessels in response to the local engagement of vegf .............................................................................................248 Hermann P, Gera I, Gerle J, Rozgonyi F: Antimicrobial therapy in dental practice ...........................................249 Herczegh A, Ghidán Á, Deseo K, Tarján I: DNA examination of children’s streptococcus mutans..................249 Horvath A, Windisch P, Gera I; Influence of er:yag laser in periodontal regeneration.......................................250 Katona J, Katona I: The importance of the stomato-oncological examination in dental praxis........................250 Kernács I, Tóth Bagi Z, Végh A: Inspection of the skeletal causes of surgically treated progenies .................251 Kertész É, Tóth Bagi Z, Gyenes V, Pataki T: Blood loss in orthognathic surgery...............................................251 Markovics E, Markovics P, Kovács Sz, Fejérdy L, Szabó Zs, Fábián TK, Fejérdy P: Dental fear of 12-19-year-old students among the Hungarian minority in Rumania...............................251 Matekovits Gy: Types of behaviour-origin iatrogeny in oral medicine..................................................................252 Németh O, Csáki G, Kivovics P: Complex rehabilitation of eagle’s syndrome....................................................252 Pánczél J, Matekovits Gy: Home dental care for immobilized patients...............................................................252 Nyárasdy I, Kispélyi B, Fejérdy L, Iványi, Rosivall: Vitalmicroscopic studies of adhesives...............................253 Orosz M, Tarján I, Gábris K: The role of dentoalveolar surgery in the treatment of dental diseases in childhood and adolescence..........................................................................................253 Perényi J, Horváth G: Survey of incidence and therapeutic principles of patients with temporo-mandibular disorders at Szeged University between 2003 and 2005 .....................................254 Perger K, Kivovics P, Hajdú Z: Prosthodontic rehabilitation after complex treatment of sublingual cancer.............................................................................................................................................254 Sarang Zs, Szondy Zs, Vondracek M, Hansson A, Grafström RC: Modelling of oral carcinogenesis using in vitro cultures normal and immortalized oral kératinocytes.......................254 Segatto E, Marschalkó P, Végh A: Influence of scoliotic deformation on development of craniofacial asymmetries.....................................................................................................255 Schmidt J, Jáhn M, Kivovics P: The legal milieu in the European Union of the regulation of dental supplier activity.....................................................................................................................................255 Stájer A, Radnai M, Turzó K, Pelsőczi IK, Oszkó K, Fazekas A: Effect of fluoride content of the oral hygienic products on the surface structure of titanium.................................................................256 Szabó Zs, Orbán ÁSz, Markovics E, Markovics P, Fábián TK, Fejérdy P: Decrease of anxiety and dental fear in the waiting-room. A pilot study...................................................256 Szilágyi E, Ruffieux K, Góczán J: Preliminary clinical experiences with a new alveolus preservation technology - a case report...........................................................................256 Szöllősi K: Radiological examination of bone mutation by teeth and implants supported fixed bridges.........257 6

