Fogorvosi szemle, 2005 (98. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2005-02-01 / 1. szám

8 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 98. évf. 1. sz. 2005. se miatt. Az ilyen jellegű változás passziválódásra utal (8. ábra). A bemutatott technikák megbízható vizsgálati módszert kínálnak az implantátumok hosszú távú korróziós visel­kedésének és az implantátum/élőszövet határán végbe­menő folyamatok értékelésében. Irodalom 1. Creus J, Idrissi H, Mazille M, Charrier C, Jacquot P: Corrosion behaviour of Al Ti coatings elaborated by cathodic are PVD process onto mild steel. Thin Solid Films 1999; 346: 150-154. 2. Gonzalez JE, Mirza-Rosca JC: Study of the corrosion behavior of titanium and some of its alloys for biomedical and dental implant applications. J Electroanal Chem 1999; 471: 109-115. 3. Joób-Fancsaly Á, Divinyi T, Fazekas Á, Daroczi Cs, Karacs A, Pető G: Pulsed laser-induced micro- and nanosized morphology and composition of titanium dental implants. Smart Mater Struct 2002; 11: 819-824. 4. López MF, Gutiérrez A, Jiménez JA: In vitro corrosion behaviour of titanium alloys without vanadium. 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J Craniofac Surg 2004; 15: 1-6. 11. Suba Cs, Velich N, Vida Gy, Kovács L, Kiss G, Szabó Gy: Anodikus titánoxid-réteggel bevont titán implantátumok felületének vizsgálata SIMS és XPS módszerekkel. Fogorv Szle 2003; 96: 197-203. 12. Suba Cs, Velich N, Vörös J, Túri Cs, Szabó Gy: Titán implantátu­mok felületének modern vizsgálati lehetőségei. Összefoglaló referá­tum. Fogorv Szle 2004; 97: 29-35. 13. Sul YT, Johansson CB, Jeong Y, Albrektsson T: The electroche­mical oxide growth behaviour on titanium in acid and alkaline elect­rolytes. Med Eng Phys 2001; 23: 329-346. 14. Sul YT, Johansson CB, Petronis S, Krozer A, Jeong Y, Wenner­­berg A, Albrektsson T: Characteristics of the surface oxides on turned and electrochemically oxidized pure titanium implants up to dielectric breakdown: the oxide thickness, micropore configurations, surface roughness, crystal structure and chemical composition. Biomaterials 2002;23:491-501. 15. 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Corros Sei 1999; 41: 275-289. 21. Westerhoff B, Darwish M, Holze R: A comparative study of the electrochemical corrosion behaviour of dental amalgams. J Appl Electrochem 1992; 22:1142-1146. Suba Cs, Lakatos-Varsányi M, Mikó A, Kovács L, Velich N, Kádár B, Szabó Gy: Corrosion study of anodically and thermically surface-treated osteosynthesis plates For the fixation of mandibular fractures, at the Department of Oral Surgery and Dentistry at Semmelweis University, ano­dically and thermically treated Ti02/Ti osteosynthesis plates are used. The corrosion studies were performed in a gene­­rally-applied 3-electrode electrochemical measurement cell, with a calomel electrode as reference electrode, and a Pt net as conducting electrode. The cyclic voltammetric measurements demonstrated that the pore-free surface Ti02 layer forms a highly protective bar­rier on the surface of Ti. The electrochemical impedance spectrum reflected a decrease in inhomogenity of the sample because of a decrease in the number of pinholes. Such a change is indicative of passivation. The reported techniques appear to comprise a reliable method of study for an evaluation of the long-term corrosion behaviour of implants. Key words: Ti, Ti02, anodic and thermal oxidation, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

