Fogorvosi szemle, 1999 (92. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1999-02-01 / 2. szám
pest, 1967. 152., 155. - 10. Neill, D. J., Walter, J. D.: Partial Dentures. 2. kiadás. Oxford. 1983. 37. — 11. Spiekermann, H., Gründler, H.: Die Modellguss-Prothese. Quintessenz, Berlin 1983. 156-158. - 12. Szöllősi K., Fejérdy P., Lajta B., Lindeisz F.: Serdülókorúak fogászati szűrővizsgálatának protetikai vonatkozásai. Fogorv. Szle. 84. 237-241. 1991. Dr. Fábián, T., dr. Fejérdy, P.: Valuation of the effect of continuous clasp (Kennedy bar) on the state of remaining teeth. 170 removable partial dentures connected with continuous clasps (Kennedy bar) of 162 patients have been examined. In the case of 77 dentures the continuous clasps were tooth-supported, whereas in the other 93 cases tooth-supports has not been used. Authors examined the effect of dentures on the periodontal tissues, by measuring the frequency of occurrence of gingivitis, pocket formation, and increased tooth movability. Teeth, touching the tooth-supported clasps suffered from damage of the periodontal tissues in 20,1%. This value increased to 38,4% in the case of clasps without tooth-support.