Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1999 (91. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1999-02-01 / 2. szám

8. oldal 1999. február Kj i>ethesda Baptist Retirement Home News at Bethesda In November, we were advised by our Administrator, Robert Harlowe that he would be leaving us to accept another position in Orlando, Florida. This came as a complete surprise to us since we did not suspect that he was considering a change. In the business world these things happen and we must accept these things gracefully. The change came quickly and as a result 1 had to once again assume the responsibilities of manage­ment until a new manager could be ap­pointed. I filled that position until Janu­ary 1, 1999 at which time, with our Boards approval, we appointed Peggy Epling as our new Operations Manager. She had been our Financial Administra­tive Assistant for a number of years and had performed well in that position. We felt that Peggy would be able to operate the business of the Home in a profes­sional manner, and still maintain control of our accounting. W e request your pra­yers for her work here at the Home and for the success of our operations for years to come. Peggy, for the time being will continue managing under my direc - tion. Until further notice, I will oversee our operations on a part-time basis. Ernest J. Kish Chairman of the Board GOD LOVES YOU - "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlast­ing life" (John 3:16). BUT YOU ARE A SINNER -"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). THE HOLY SPIRIT CONVICTS YOU OF SIN—"And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin ... because they believe not on me" (John 16:8-9). YOUR RESPONSE IS TO REPENT OF SIN—"For I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Matt. 4:13). AND TO TRUST IN CHRIST AS SAVIOR AND LORD—"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Je­sus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Rom 10:9-10, 23). GROW IN CHRIST by following through with baptism and uniting with a church. You will find new Christian friends and grow in your new life in Christ. Music Within our Hungarian Baptist Churches by Ernest J. Kish Traditionally, Hungarians love their music. It plays a great part in our every­day life. For the people of the plains, the music of the country folk indicated the simple lifestyle inherent to country life. For the more sophisticated folk, they had the beautiful operas that all people enjoy even today. For the young lovers, they had beautiful love songs with passionate lyrics depicting the true feelings of young love. For the people of God, they wrote or translated the beautiful hymns from whatever language in which they were originally written. These hymns are the ones that we sing even today. It is not only the music that is beautiful, but in many instances the Hungarian lyrics are even more beautiful than the original tongue in which they were written. This is why our present day Hungarian Bap­tist Churches enjoy the music that has been passed down to us by those living before us. Music is in our genes. Today, when I hear the choirs of our churches or the combined choir during our annual get together, I view with pride our heri­tage. We have so many good singers, musicians and directors among us of whom we can really be proud. God has greatly blessed us with an innate talent that we should use to glorify His name. Many years ago, we had sixty four Hungarian Baptist Churches in the USA and Canada. Every one of these churches had a choir, and some of them had either a band or an orchestra. They praised the Lord with their talents. I was, and still am a proud member of this group of musicians. Our band in Bridgeport, Conn, consisted at one time of thirty musicians. We played for Sun­day evening services and for street meet­ings. The bands of New Brunswick and Trenton, N.J. were also exceptionally fine units. The orchestra in New York City was under the leadership of Cornell Chopjak who developed a quality group of musical talent. Our three churches in Cleveland each had a fine band or or­chestra. Many of our other churches also had good musical talent. Many of our old time musicians are now with the Lord, but some are still in the musical service of the Lord. An example of this is the children of the Rev. George Balia, the Rev. William Molnár and the Rev. Gabriel Petre. We are grateful to God for those of our group who serve the Lord with their musical talents. We are proud of the people who currently en­hance our worship service with their God given talents. We would like to encourage all of our Hungarian Baptist church members to continue to develop and expand their musical services to the Lord. As we expand our spiritual serv­ices with our music, we also grow closer to God. David in Psalm 60: 1 and 2 exhorts us to praise God. “Make ajoyful noise unto God all ye lands: Sing forth the honor of His name: make His praise glorious.” The attached old photo shows the band of our Hungarian Baptist Church of New Castle, Pa. in 1917. Identified are the Bass player, the Rev. Gabriel Petre, the Clarinetist, Joseph Ban, and the Baritone player to the left, the Rev. L. Lovas. They and all the others are a part of God’s eternal musical organiza­tion.

