Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1995 (87. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1995-02-01 / 2. szám

1995. február 7. oldal Elveszti az édesanyját. Férje előreha­ladott cukorbeteg. Anyósa Alzheimer kórral kerül öregek otthonába. Testvér­bátyját tíz nap alatt veszíti el. Férje testvére hazautazott Magyarországra, hogy még egyszer felmehessen a Halászbástyára. Felment és ott meghalt. Néhány nap múlva Hédi megtudja, hogy ő is halálos beteg. Szívpanaszokkal kezelték és kiderült, hogy gyógyíthatatlan rákbeteg. O is hazament, hogy elbúcsúz­zon gyermekkori emlékeitől, a fővárostól és Budapesten élő fiától és annak család­jától. Hazajött és alig három hét alatt, de­cember 8-án befejezte. Teljes lelki békességgel. Mielőtt bement a kórházba, legkedve­sebb szolgálati területén, az idősek látogatásán tett még egy utolsó lépést. Meglátogatta a 92 éves Radványi nénit. Levélben elköszönt a gyülekezettől és mindazoktól, - több mint ezer személytől szerte a világon, akik az iratmissziót olvassák. Temetése december 10-én volt, igen­igen nagy részvét mellett. Angol nyelvű istentisztelet keretében Oláh Lajos lelkipásztor olvasott igét és szólt néhány szót magyarul. Isten áldjon, míg viszont látunk! O.L. MINDEN ELADÓ? Nagy kirakat lett az egész világ, már megvenni lehet azt is, ami eladó sosem volt, szót és becsületet... A hiányzó szeretet helyett is van valami pótlás, amelyben a kiábrándult ember még valami jót lát... Csak olykor a lélek mélye titkon mintha fuldokolna: a mennyei oxigén hiányát semmi sem pótolja, éppen azért, mert az nem eladó! Megvenni sem lehet! Azért Urunk saját életével immár megfizetett! Azt csak az O átszegzett kezéből elfogadni lehet! Lukátsi Vilma News From Ruth Wright Dear Friends, I would say that my greatest desire is to let God take me right out into His purposes for the world. I am learning that the aim in life is God’s not mine, and that He is using me from His great personal standpoint. A1 He asks of me is that I trust Him. The International Ministry is explod­ing as there are about 5 of us reaching out full time. Recently there was a gath­ering at my home of Vietnamese who heard the Gospel in their own language. The English as a Second Language School is providing an excellent pro­gram for about 35 regular attendees. We are visiting each student in the school. Just the other day I had the opportunity to visit one student from Ecuador who said she knew little about the Bible but would like to know more. On December 15, an International Christmas get together will be held with the presentation of the Gospel to each language group represented, concluding with the Christmas story through a chalk board talk. Pray for renewed contacts with stu­dents at the Northern Virginia Commu­nity College. I have contacted the ESL Coordinator to see if I could volunteer to tutor their international students in Eng­lish. This would allow me to develop friendships with them. Keep on praying because God is working and wonderful things are hap­pening. We are seeing people saved and growing in the Lord. What more could a Christian ask for? Love in Christ, Ruth Wright GLOBAL MISSION WITH BILLY GRAHAM­March 16-18 Please stand with us in prayer for the Global Mission, which will reach over 150 countries in March 1995 from a Crusade in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Carrying out simultaneous Crusades around the world will be a spiritual challenge, a challenge which has already begun. Please pray for the millions of peo­ple who will hear Billy Graham’s mes­sages, that they will be receptive to the Gospel and decide to follow Christ. (From B. Graham's monthly letters) A Tribute To Edmund Fabian Evil spirits and demons tremble when God’s love through his Word enters an­other language. They retaliate with vi­cious attacks when a New Testament nears completion. In April of 1994 a demonic attack cost translator Edmund Fabian his life. The Fabians were in the final stages of check­ing the Nabak New Testament in Papua New Guinea. While working on I Corinthians 13, Edmund’s language helper was tormented with voices screaming in his head. In an attempt to chop away the voices, his helper swung with a nearby ax. ’My mind went dark," he said later. It was only after he had already struck Edmund in the back of the head that his mind cleared. "What have I done? I have killed my brother!" he exclaimed. Despite the shock and heartache of Edmund’s death, his wife Grace wrote that ’the Lord is helping me to lay along­side that gory scene the comforting thought of Edmund free from pain, per­fectly fulfilled, praising the Lamb who sits on the throne. He got the better end of this deal." Two of the couple’s children remain with their mother while attending high school in Papua New Guinea. The two oldest attended the funeral, then returned to the United States. Keep them in your prayers - and pray that the power of God’s love soon will be unleashed among the Nabak through his Word. (In Other Words) Bible translator slain. In the latest of a string of attacks against the Iranian church, the Rev. Tateos Michaelian, a well-known Pres­byterian church leader and Bible trans­lator, was shot and killed in Tehran sometime around July I. He had succeeded the late Bishop Haik Hovsepian-Mehr - who was mur­dered in January - as chairman of the Council of Protestant Ministers in Iran. A former General Secretary of the Ira­nian Bible Society, the 62-year-old Michaelian had been threatened with death several times by Iranian authori­ties. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, a son and a granddaughter - bom at the time his body was discov­ered. (ABS)

