Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1994 (86. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1994-01-01 / 1. szám
1994. január BBSiWBBMmBPI IIII II BW 9. oldal mel élheted életedet, hiszen lesz már, aki átsegít minden akadályon. Az élet, s a halál nehéz ösvényein. Örömmel olvadhatod Bibliáidat, s egyszerre számtalan testvéred lesz, a Krisztust követők nagy táborában. Dönts Jézus Krisztus mellett még ma! Aztán keresd fel lelkipásztorodat, gyülekezetedet, ahol további segítséget kaphatsz. (A lap szerkesztője is szívesen válaszol, ha telefonon vagy levélben felkeresed.) Herjeczki Géza Tartsuk meg mi is a Baptista Világszövetség február 6-ra meghirdetett imanapját! CELEBRATE BAPTIST WORLD ALLIANCE DAY OF PRAYER Sunday, February 6, 1994 JOIN YOUR BAPTIST FAMILY as it celebrates BWA Day on Sunday, February 6, 1994 or on another day convenient to your church. Order the following support material: • BWA Day Prayer. • BWA World Map. • You Brochure. • Where are the Baptists Brochure. • 1995 Argentina Congress Information. • BWA Offering Envelopes. To Order: Baptist World Alliance / Communications 6733 Curran Street McLean, VA 22101-6005 USA Phone: (703) 790-8980 Fax: (703) 893-5160/ (703) 903-9544 fretbesda iptist Retirement Home THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving Day was a joyful day! The residents began the holiday after breakfast by decorating the diningroom in preparation for the noon meal.Residents and staff worked together in the same way that families through out the states were preparing on this holiday. Lucille and Reeve helped to clear the tables of the breakfast dishes, taking directions from Rose. Once that was done, I spread newspaper on the top of one of the tables so that Carolyn could fill vases with fresh flowers. Reeve carried the pots of burnt-orange chrysanthemums and yellow and white daisies from the activity room to the diningroom. Ernest cut the stems to be placed in the vases. Carolyn told Ernest, “Be sure to pound the stems so that the stems will absorb the water”. — Carolyn operated a floral shop for seventeen years; she knows how to handle fresh flowers. — While Ernest snipped and pounded the stems of chrysanthemums and daisies, Jean, his wife helped Benita place tablecloths on the tops of the diningroom tables. Meanwhile, Reeve started folding napkins. He was soon joined by Ethel and Loretta. As they chatted, the napkins were quickly folded. Lucille and Jean added placemats to the draped tables. The place setting began to take shape with the addition of the napkins, glasses for cranberry juice cooler and silverware. Decorations made by young school children in the community were added to the tables by Jean. Mary and Eva selected decorations for both the diningroom and livingroom and hung them with the help of Nouella and Evelyn. As music played in the background, the voices of happy and busy residents could be heard as they bustled about the rooms. Carolyn finished arranging the flowers. Fall colors burst into the room as the filled vases j oined the bright colors of the pumpkins, turkeys, pilgrims, Indian com, autumn leaves and other fall decorations. At noon residents, staff and guests came to the dining tables, were seated in anticipation of a traditional Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings; complete with flavorful, aromatic apple-raisin pie prepared for the diners by our dietary manager, Donald LaChappelle. Before we enjoyed the bounty of food, Dr. Louis Kali, a faithful volunteer to Bethesda for many years, reminded us how important it is to count our blessings. Our voices were raised to the tune of “Our Contry Tis of Thee”. Dr Kali lead us in prayer as we thanked God for all the blessings of this life, most especially for our families, our friends and for the abundance of love bestowed on each of us by our Heavanly Father. Many residents were away for the day. Those residents who enj oyed Thanksgiving at Bethesda were joined by Pastor Barton Brown and his lovely wife, Margaret, and his brother, Ivan. My daughter, Alyson, also joined us, as several resident’s family members and friends. In the afternoon we were entertained by “The Sunshine Singers”, a father and daughter singing team. GLORIOUS! Thanksgiving Day was GLORIOUS! With God’s help and working in community there is nothing that cannot be accomplished at Bethesda. In the evening a traditional Hungarian double decker pastry was served. This pastry was brought to us by a guardian angel. Thank you God, for all the blessings of this life. And God, thank you gardian angels. Melodee * * * CONTRIBUTIONS - SEPTEMBER Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kish........................... $ 15.00 Bethesda Baptist Church ............................ 225.00 Bethesda Baptist Church ............................ 225.00 Silliman Memorial Baptist Church........... 27.00 Mr. & Mrs. Hutcheons.................................. 15.00 Anonymus........................................................... 278.75 Total S 785.75 In loving memory of Edward Uetz from Betty M. Uetz....................................... 100.00 * * * CONTRIBUTIONS — OCTOBER Ruth Kish.................................................... $ 25.00 Rose Neumann.............................................. 50.00 Bethesda Baptist Church .......................... 225.00 Bethesda Ladies Aid.................................. 75.00 Anonymus.......................................................... 191.25 Total S 566.25 In loving memory of Ruth Garver from Anonymus.................................... $ 15.00 * * * CONTRIBUTIONS - NOVEMBER American Baptist Church......................... $ 100.00 Ruth Kish.................................................... 25.00 Bethesda Baptist Church .............................. 225.00 Esther Plyler................................................ 50.00 Anonymus......................................................... 203.50 Total $ 603.50 In loving memory of Margaret Szántó .. $3,008.08