Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1991 (83. évfolyam, 1-15. szám)

1991-04-01 / 6. szám

6. oldal 1991. április U.S. Navy on Sept. 24, 1990. On Dec. 21, Pal graduated from Boot Camp at San Diego, California, and in February will transfer to Jacksonville, Fla., for further training as an Airman. The young Navy recruit says he expe­rienced God’s miraculous power and guidance several times during his months in Boot Camp, and it was so good to be able to trust that the Lord would take care of him. “About 35 of us (more than half of my group) came together for prayer meetings each night,” Pal said. “And se­veral accepted Jesus as their personal Savior during Boot Camp!’’ Pal said he appreciates the prayers of his many friends at church, and thanks the Lord for His great protection. He often has testified and given credit to his Lord Jesus for guiding him not only in Boot Camp but also in his daily life even before he went in the Navy. The Kolek family were not bom again believers when they escaped to Vienna from Székesfehérvár, Hungary, in 1982. They had no intention of becoming „be­lievers” but God intervened in the form of a young Hungarian, Ferenc Varga. Ferenc was a Hungarian refugee who had been living in Guatemala but returned to Rechenau Rax, Austria, to minister among Hungarians fleeing their homeland. His exemplary Christian life was noticed by many, especially the Kolek family. Through Ferenc Varga’s ministry, Pal and Eva Kolek, as well as their sons Pal Jr. and Attila, asked the Lord Jesus to come into their hearts. They recall with deep affection the beautiful way in which Ferenc Varga evangelized and, thus, their lives were completely changed. The family later migrated to Los Ange­les, California, and, seeking a spiritual home, located the Hungarian Bible Church of Santa Monica through a Hun­garian newspaper article. They have been active members since 1983, and the pastor, Rev. Henry D. Smith, has baptized the entire family. When queried about their favorite Scripture, they agreed that it was Romans 8:28: „Azt pedig tudjuk, hogy akik az Istent szeretik, azoknak minden javukra szolgál. ” And, when mentioning their favorite hymn, it seemed most appropriate that all four answered in unison: „Hű Jézusom kezébe teszem le életem. ” Klári Vereczky Semmitől se szorongj, semmitől se ije­­dezz. Minden eltűnik, megszűnik, de Isten megmarad. ^ January at Bethesda January descends upon us as a fresh new beginning — it ushers in a New Year, warm and all-enfoldin; perhaps, a new outlook on life; a new way of congregate living — that’s where Bethesda enters the picture for those in need of additional per­sonal care and companionship. The goal of all of us is to help each resident adjust to this “new beginning” and to equip them with a desire to try new activities, seek new friends or lift the saddened heart with a song of cheerful word. A special presentation was made to several of our residents — Franceska Beck, Ida Kantz, Domenic Mandarino, Betty Paukovits and one of our Canadian winter guests, Esther Fodi — for the tender care they confer upon the plants, bushes and trees. As everyone present en­joyed ice cream and cake, each of the mentioned persons received a pair of co­lorful garden gloves in appreciation of their work and were introduced as The Golden Glovers, Bethesda’s version of The Garden Club. The Bethesda grounds are in full bloom with an array of colors. We are most blessed to have the help of these fine folks. We have been also blessed by the arrival of 7 other Canadians, two of whom gifted The Home with “csiga” noodles, a very special treat greatly enjoyed by all, know­ing the preparation work and time in­volved in making enough noodles to feed 75-plus people. These same friends have showered our dwellers with home baked desserts, year after year. We really appre­ciate their many kindnesses. On January 26th, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kohut celebrated their 64th Wedding Anniversary and all of us joined them in this milestone. Two of their friends visited with them and brought a beautiful plant of yellow chrysanthemum. They were showered with greetings and cards. It was a complete surprise to them and they ex­pressed gratitude to all. It was a great joy to have in our midst for six months Mr. and Mrs. Miklós Gutti from Budapest, Hungary. This very talen­ted and loving couple are the parents of Margit Palotai, who with her husband Ist­ván, hosted them in Palm Bay. The Guttis have beautiful testimonies and they shared their talents with the residents. After they traveled the length and breadth of Florida, they were most kind to remark that they sensed a great love toward them and wanted this special bond to continue even after they returned to their home­land. We pray God’s richest blessings All our Canadian Visitors Mr. and Mrs. J. Kohut upon them as they serve their Lord and Saviour in their home church. Again we invite all of you to visit with us. Bethesda is a wonderful place to rest and relax. God bless you all. Ernest Cziraky ^ Administrator January Contributions Rev. and Mrs. A. Barton Brown ......$ 50.00 First Baptist Church, Garfield, NJ 150.00 George Kerestly ...................................1,000.00 Bethesda Baptist Church.................... 225.00 Mrs. Rose Newman .............................. 25.00 Mrs. Ruth Kish ...................................... 15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kish .................... 100.00 Rev. Louis Kurtz .................................... 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mahl ............... 125.00 In loving memory of Frank Schaffer Mrs. Elizabeth Schaffer ................... 350.00 In loving memory of Helen Berleth Mr. Stephen Berleth .......................... 50.00 In loving memory of Steven Toth Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sayre ............ 100.00 In loving memory of Betty Haydn Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Haydn ..... 100.00 600.00 Total ...................._............................... $2315.00

