Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1984 (76. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1984-02-15 / 4. szám

1984. február 15. 7. oldal fulfillment of our spiritual needs, we also satisfied our physical needs by eating pastries, etc. that only our Hungarian ladies can produce (of course, I am biased). That evening also, each of our residents were vi­sited by “St. Nick” and were presented with gifts that so many of you had provided for us. We are grateful to you all for your support throughout the year and for always making Christmas such a memora­ble occasion at Bethesda. May God bless you all for it. Our plans are still in progress on the expansion of our facility. It is our desire at this time to add 14 ef­ficiency units to our present com­plex. These units would be added to our east wing. We have placed our drawings out for bids and it is our hope to have these bids in hand for consideration during our Board meeting on the 20th of January, 1984. If the plans are acceptable and the costs within reason, we would like to set our building plans in motion this coming spring. Since this will be another large project for us, won’t you remember us in your prayers. Many of you have been suffering from the tremendously cold and freakish weather we have been ex­periencing. I’m sorry to report that even Bethesda has been affected by the weather. Our temperatures in Florida plummeted to eleven de­grees in Pensacola to 28 degrees at your Home. This means that all of our delicate plant life has suffered from the frost and will adversely af­fect our produce for another year or even longer. Our citrus trees can stand just so much cold weather without being severely affected by the frost. We had done our best to protect some plants from the frost but it was all an exercise of futility. The full extent of damage will not be known until later. New Year’s Eve at the Home is also a very memorable occasion. Yes, we celebrate New Year’s Eve too. We provide a fruit punch (non-alcoholic, of course) at eight p.m. after which we bid one another a Happy New Year and then we retire for the evening. We do how­ever, enjoy this little fellowship and thank God for the dawn of a new year in our lives. We, at the Home, wish all of our friends a Bright and Happy New Year. May God bless you all. Sincerely, ErnestJ. Kish, Executive Director * CONTRIBUTIONS Given In loving memory of Elizabeth O'Neil: Mr. and Mrs. William O’Neil, Melbourne, Fla. $10.00. Given In loving memory of Joseph Varjú, Sr.: Irene Varjú Nintzel, North Brunswick, N.J. $100.00. Given in loving memory of Helen Kozma Rlcevuto: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Boehme, Dan Diego, Calif. $100.00. Given in loving memory of The Rev. Michael Major: Mr. and Mrs. Mike Modek, Campbell, Ohio, $20.00; Mrs. Marie Kreves, Mayfield Heights, Ohio, $25.00. Given In loving memory of Aaron Hollander: Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hollander, Melbourne Beach, Fla. $100.00. Given in loving memory of the Fair family: Rose Fair, Flushing, N.Y. $20.00. Given in loving memory of Frank Kovach: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reviczky, Palm Bay, Fla. $10.00. Given in loving memory of Grace Olan: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reviczky, Palm Bay, Fla. $10.00. Given in loving memory of Louis Myers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reviczky, Palm Bay, Fla. $10.00. Given in loving memory of Nick Bodolay: Margaret Bodolay, Wadsworth, Ohio 710.00. Given in loving memory of The Rev. and Mrs. Gabriel Pétre: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Huntsville, Ala. $100.00. Given in loving memory of Rev. Frank Ver: Drs. David and Katherine Ver, Dayton, Ohio $300.00. Given in loving memory of Julia Toth: Stephen Toth, Norwalk, Conn. $50.00. Other contributions: Edith Welch, Youngstown, Ohio, $10.00; Esther Carabelos, Denver, Colo. $20.00; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Taylor, Wadsworth, Ohio $30.00; Marie Szerencsy, New Brunswick, N.J., $20.00; Agnes Nemeth, New York, N.Y. $25.00; Mr. and Mrs. John Bucko, Melbourne, Fla. $10.00; Mr. and Mrs. Nick Biro, Palm Bay, Fla. $20.00; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fogarty, Stratford, Conn. $10.00; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kanya, Palm Springs, Cal. $100.00; Bert Pooley, Melbourne, Fla. $300.00; Bethesda Ladies Aid, Palm Bay, Fla. $50.00; Mr. and Mrs. John R. Black, Sr. Robbinsville, N.J. $10.00; Alexander and Irene Szabó, Boynton Beach, Fla. $10.00; Julia and Margaret Vargo, Hemet, Cal. $15.00; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ungar, Valdosta, Ga. $10.00; Mr. and Mrs. Kalman Benko, Mayfield Heights, Ohio $25.00; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Benedict, Missouls, Mon. $5.00; Silliman Baptist Church, Bridgeport, Conn. $28.00; Women’s Missionary Society-Chestnut Street Baptist Church, Wadsworth, Ohio $25.00; Flora and Bertha Bikacsan, Tallmadge, Ohio $25.00; Alex Raduly, Palm Bay, Fla. $10.00; Steven Toth, Bethesda, Md. $450.00; Elizabeth Kelemen, Mesa, Ariz. $20.00; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kautz, Holiday, Fla. $25.00; Mrs. Julia Kish, Buffalo, N.Y. $10.00; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kasa, Trenton, N.J. $25.00; Mr. and Mrs. Emory Revy, St. Petersburg, Fla. $100.00; Peni Pem­­berthy, Orlando, Fla. $20.00; Vivian Pemberthy, Cleveland, Ohio $20.00; Mr. and Mrs. Geza Si­mon, Riviera Beach, Fla. $10.00; Mrs. Mary Ber­­leth, Huntington Sta. N.Y. $10.00; Mrs. Julia Panich, Huntington Sta. N.Y. $10.00; The Rev. and Mrs. William B. Molnár, Naugatuck, Conn. $40.00; Ida Reiss, New York, N.Y. $25.00; Bet­hesda Baptist Church, Palm Bay, Fla. $85.00; Irene E. Balogh, Margate, Fla. $10.00; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Yanik, Palm Bay, Fla. $25.00; New York Ladies Guild-Hungarian Baptist Church, New York, N.Y. $100.00; Mrs. Theresia Ver, Dayton, Ohio $100.00; Julia Molnár, Boca Raton, Fla. $25.00; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vura, Calimesa, Cal. $350.00; Chestnut Street Baptist Church, Wadsworth, Ohio, $100.00; Gabriel Petre, Saudi, Arabia, $100.00; Yoshiko Triebell, Palm Bay, Fla. $25.00; Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Hooker, Melbourne, Fla. $10.00; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sebestyen, Middleburg Heights, Ohio, $10.00; Edit Papp, Kew Gardens, N.Y. $50.00; Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Engel, Trumbull, Conn. $50.00; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reviczky, Palm Bay, Fla. $25.00; Ruth Ban, Los Angeles, Cal. $50.00; Mission Guild-Silliman Memorial Baptist Church, Bridgeport, Conn. $65.00; Betty Haydn, Palm Bay, Fla. $35.00; Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Spaeth, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, $50.00; Mrs. Elizabeth Vass, Palm Bay, Fla. $10.00; Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz Fekete, Winter Haven, Fla. $15.00; Dr. and Mrs. H. Ellis Plyler, Deland, Fla. $100.00; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steg, Palm Bay, Fla. $25.00; Mr. and Mrs. John Paukovits, Palm Bay, Fla. $20.00; Nancy Hill, Westport, Conn. $100.00; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Kish, Palm Bay, Fla. $30.00 - $3.088.00. Total contributions: $3,953.00. Személyi hír Vér Ferencné testvérünk, amint ezt leánya közli, 1983. januárjától kezdve egy “nursing home” ápoltja. Nőtestvérünk 91 éves. Testi gyenge­sége miatt a nap legnagyobb részét ágyban tölti. Gondoljunk szeretettel kedves testvérnőnkre és imáinkban emlékezzünk meg róla. MAGYAR BAPTISTA ÉRDEK KORNYA MIHÁLY rövid életrajzának a terjesztése. Angolnyelvű baptista lelkipászto­rokat meg kell ismertetni Kornyá­­val, munkájával és evangéliumi módszereivel. A könyv ára 1.80 U.S. és 2.20 ka­nadai dollár. Megrendelhető a kö­vetkező címen: Dr. Béla Udvamoki 609 Woodridge Drive Murfreesboro, N.C. 27855

