Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1980 (72. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)
1980-02-15 / 4. szám
8. oldal 1980. február 15. From the Mission Fields _____________________________________^rgaiumlHir^ Dear Dr. and Mrs. Haraszti, I am sorry this thank you note is arriving so late, however I just received your donation. My Pastor at Silliman Memorial Baptist Church sent it to me through the Director of our Mission, who was in the States at the time, returning to Nigeria. The Director returned okay, but all of the suticases didn’t reach here. Needless to say the one with the package from my mom and your money were in a suitcase that did not arrive. It was located finally and was kept safely in Lagos until a vehicle could go to collect it. So just a few days ago I received all. So I thank you with all my heart for your contribution. I have been here in Nigeria for almost four months now and really love it here. The Clinic Ministry is such a fantastic Ministry for reaching souls for Christ. I am seeing 50-60 patient’s a week. Our Clinic opened in January and there is steady growth. I am INFLATION A popular subject these days is inflation. It is a subject somewhat like the weather. Most of us talk about it but are not sure there is anything we can do about it. But, of course, when there is too much month left at the end of the money we are forced to something about it. As we reassess our priorities it is important to realize that our Christian stewardship must not get second class attention. The local church must continue to serve and witness and that means increased financial support from those of us who are a part of this fellowship. And the missionary agencies supported by the local churches have the same problem of re-evaluating priorities in the light of reduced purchasing power. There is no way everyone can be satisfied with the results of cutbacks in the family budget. Nor is there any way everyone can be satisfied with cutbacks in a missionary organization’s budget. More financial undergirding is the hope for solution in both instances. Arnolds. Boal working in three villages doing health teaching, with Baby Clinics and Bible Teaching. It is exciting to be in the Center of God’s, and be doing exactly what he has planned for me. We have a Christian Nigerian Doctor who is volunteering himself twice a week for two hours to see the patient’s that I refer to him. It has really made a difference. I have a lovely home to live in next to the Clinic. A girlfriend of mine from Washington Bible College in Maryland is living with me. She is a Bible Teacher at the Missions Bible Institute here. So the Lord is so gracious to look after every need of mine. I have met so many people since I’ve arrived. Mobil Oil has a big work out here and I’ve come to know a few of them. I received my Nigerian Nursing License September 5th, of which I praise the Lord for. I so well remember your wife telling me of all your experiences in Africa for a summer. I can begin to appreciate much of what she shared. My parents are coming for a visit in a month. I am looking forward to that so much. Well I must close, but thank you for praying for ma and again for your gift. In Christ our Lord, Ruth Wright * * * I would like to share the address of Miss Wright with our readers. Her address is: Miss Ruth Wright Christian Witness Team, Inc. Ikwa Village P. O. Box 26, lkot Abasi Cross River State Nigeria, West Africa I think it would be an encouragement for Miss Ruth Wright if we should write her letters and if we should place her on our prayer list. Alexander S. Haraszti president 0 love, how deep, how broad, how high, How passing thought and fantasy, That God, the Son of God, should take, Our mortal form for mortals' sake! Anonymus American Hungarian Baptist Union Receipts for the month of September 1979 Home Mission Paul Podobni Sr. Estate, Manitoba, Canada $426.75 Hungarian Bethany Church Cleveland, Ohio 15.00 Bethesda Baptist Church Palm Bay, Florida 75.00 $516.75 Special Mission Bethesda Baptist Church Palm Bay, Florida $30.00 Gospel Messenger—Campaign Fund Julia Vargo, Hemet, Co. 10.00 Mrs. Gabor Kirla, Gary, Indiana________30.00 . . $40.00 FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1979 Home Mission Chestnut Street Church Wadsworth, Ohio 18.75 First Baptist Church, Toronto 168.50 Bethany Church, Cleveland 15.00 Bethesda Church, Palm Bay 75.00 Silliman Church, Bridgeport 78.15 Hungarian Baptist Church, Alhambra 75.00 $430.40 Special Mission Bethesda Church, Palm Bay $35.00 Daytona Property receipts $61.37 LOUIS DRESCHER, Treasurer The Response of Faith John 4:46-53 Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way, thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way. — Verse 50 In Higher Ground, Eloise Glass Cauthen’s biography of her father, Wiley Glass, she tells of the time when her mother became ill with tuberculosis. Dr. and Mrs. Glass decided to remain in China, where they could have help to care for the children. Bentley, their eight-year-old son, was in boarding school in a town sixty miles away. Their two daughters, Eloise and Lois, four and six year old, were at home but were forbidden to enter their mother’s room. One day word came that Bentley was seriously ill. Dr. Glass felt that he could not leave his wife; yet, how could he not go to Bentley, only eight and terribly ill? “All I could do was to cry to God for our only surviving son. ” Bentley did recover. Then Dr. Glass wrote to the family in America, “All believe he is alive only through prevailing prayer. ” Mary Me Kay