Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1980 (72. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1980-02-15 / 4. szám

1980. február 15. 7. oldal Donations Received 1978 1979 Mr. and Mrs. Earle Wright $ 10.00 107. Hungarian Baptist Church of New York City Contributions Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bankuti 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Banyai 250.00 Mr. Emery Kautz 25.00 Mrs. Amelia Lawrence 100.00 Miss Charlotte Lawrence 100.00 Rev. and Mrs. William B. Molnár 30.00 Mr. and Mrs. George Toth 50.00 Church Treasury 345.00 108. Mr. H. Edward Austin 25.00 109. Mrs. Jane P. Halasé 25.00 110. Rev. and Mrs. Emery J. Kocsis 10.00 111. Dr. LawrenceT. Slagth 10.00 112. Dr. Ferenc Király 200.00 113. Mr. and Mrs. James Revy 100.00 114. Mr. and Mrs. Alexis Nagy 100.00 115. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shanklin 520.00 116. Mr. Joseph Varga 15.00 117. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burján 25.00 118. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ladizs 250.00 119. Rev. and Mrs. Emil Kontz 25.00 120. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kish 100.00 121. American Hungarian Baptist Church of Alhambra, California 100.00 122. Mr. and Mrs. John Balogh 25.00 123. Mrs. Julia Vargo 100.00 124. Mr. and Mrs. Antal Barath 20.00 125. First Hungarian Baptist Church Lincoln Park, Michigan 100.00 126. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Honesko 25.00 127. Miss Stephanie Messner 10.00 128. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaffer 200.00 129. Mr. and Mrs. Sándor Muller 25.00 130. Mrs. Velma Kinda 15.00 131. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamarich 10.00 132. Mr. and Mrs. John Nowak 20.00 133. Mrs. Mary Kocsis 10.00 134. Mrs. Mary Miskovics 2.00 135. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bridges 100.00 136. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pinter, Jr. 100.00 137. Mr. László Weszpeller 10.00 138. Mr. Steven Szabó 10.00 139. Dr. Bela Udvarnoki 2.00 140. Mr. Lajos Katona 10.00 141. Rev. and Mrs. John Lehman 15.00 142. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Racz 20.00 143. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kautz 50.00 144. Mr. Alex Goczi 100.00 145. Rev. Michael Major 10.00 146. Mr. Steve Szabó 15.00 147. Mr. Joseph Kohut 20.00 148. Gowen Funeral Home 300.00 149. Mr. E. Leonard, Jr. 50.00 150. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gallai 25.00 151. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Daku 30.00 152. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Messner 10.00 153. Mr. Eugene Hubai 100.00 154. Mr. Joseph Szerencsy 25.00 155. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Varga 10.00 156. Mr. Rick Penisi 10.00 157. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cantore 500.00 TOTAL IN DONATIONS $17,951.00 12,167.00 Profit from Hungarian Festivals 1,827.00 2,400.00 Profit from Dedication Dinner 685.00 Profit from Fellowship Dinners 400.00 552.00 Loose Collection at Dedication Service 102.00 TOTAL RECEIVED $20,178.00$15,906.00 GRAND TOTAL RECEIVED $36,084.00 MONEY PAID OUT IN EXPENSES Brenner Industrial Construction, Inc. $45,680.00 Lawyers Fees and Legal Expenses 623.95 Engineer’s Fee 77.00 Central Cleaners 300.00 Supplies for Bathroom 1,681.28 Stamps 75.00 Printing 51.00 Stationary 20.00 Rebuilding of three flat roofs 3,000.00 Painting 1,300.00 Cleaning of Drapes 25.00 Lumber for Cabinet 44.00 Material and Labor on Church Basement 700.00 New Clock 10.00 Paneling 105.28 Material for Sheet Rock 36.10 Plumbing 135.14 Mortgage Payments 3,900.00 Extra Mortgage Payment 5,000.00 Moldings for downstairs room 24.00 Hungarian Civic Association—Dues 200.00 Building Materials from Rolfe Bldg. Materials Co. 158.58 Material and Labor on Basement Rooms 895.00 Material and Labor on Roof (Ray Koye) 145.55 Van Doren Johnson Co. 96.61 C and J Podwats—Installation of Basement 535.00 Heating and New Pump Van Doren Johnson Co. —Lamps 29.11 Mr. László Borbas—Electrical work in basement 125.00 Mr. George Rice—Cost of Freezer 170.00 Mr. J. P. Podwats—replacement of sewer in 245.00 basement and labor Paint for Refrigerator 10.00 TOTAL PAID OUT $65,397.49 BALANCE IN BANK ACCOUNT $6,317.81 Call Him Pastor What do you call the man who stands in the pulpit every Sunday? The title or name we choose reflects our concept and thinking of his role. For example, if we call him “Preacher,” we suggest that his primary function is to deliver a 30- minute sermon. While that is a major part of his ministry there is much more involved. The term “Preacher,” is too narrow and confining. How about calling him, “Reverend?” The problem here is the use of an adjective to describe the qualities or characteristics of a person. Let’s be honest — not all people in the ministry are worthy of reverence, nor do they inspire reverence. We need to be careful who we call, “Reverend.” Suppose he has a doctorate? The use of academic terminology raises serious questions. Are we to assume those holding a doctorate make better shepherds than those without? Should we allow the academic community to dedicate the titles we give our leaders? And which doctorates will count — honorary, Ph.D., Th.D., D.Min? There is a great difference between the degrees. Never assume that one took the same amount of work as another. Can we call this man by the name,“Minister.” Yes, but that does not set him apart from the rest of us. God has called this person to lead. All of us are ministers — or should be! We can call him minister but there is yet a better word to describe this God-called person. We can call him pastor. The simple six letter word best describes his role to the church and the congregation. The idea of a shepherd is present along with the notion of a spiritual overseer. The pastor is a minister, preacher, counselor, friend and a spiritual leader. The term goes beyond the 30-minute sermon time to include what the man does Monday - Saturday. Of course, no one word is suitable for all circumstances. Your pastor may like to be addressed in another manner. Ask him. The way in which he views his role will determine to a large extent how he is seen from the pew. Editor Larry E. High in The Maryland Baptist. DEAR FRIENDS, On behalf of our family I want to express our deep appreciation to all who shared in so many ways at the time of the homegoing of our father, Rev. George B. Balia. To Dr. Biro for his comforting ministry, to the others who shared in conducting the service, to all who prayed, sent cards and flowers, and to all who personally expressed their love, we gratefully thank you. We will always be grateful to the Lord for Fifty years in which our father served the Lord and his beloved Hungarian Baptist Union. Our prayer is that his influence of sharing the salvation of the Lord will continue in the hearts of many he served. Sincerely, Dr. George E. Balia

