Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1978 (70. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)
1978-02-01 / 3. szám
1978. február 1. EVANGÉLIUMI HÍRNÖK 7. oldal the festivities surrounding the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior. Our “family” celebrated this blessed event much the same as any close family celebrates Christmas. The giving of gifts, the enjoyment of watching the special television programs and the musical programs presented to us by various church and school groups were all a part of our celebration. The spiritual aspect of the celebration too was presented in various ways. The events leading up to the birth of Christ were cited each morning during our morning period of meditation. Then too, it became a part of our Bible study hour. On Christmas Eve, we had a Vesper Service in our lounge in conjunction with the other members of our chapel. At this time, Dr. Biro presented a Christmas message to all of us. After our Vesper Meditations, we all joined in to partake of the most delicious coffee and pastries imaginable, prepared by the Ladies Guild of our church. God has blessed us so abundantly, and we are ever so grateful to Him for the many blessings which were ours during the holiday season. We were entertained by 19 groups of people from various organizations. What a joy it was to have them become a part of our family, even if it was for just a short time. You will note by the size of the list of donors to our Home this month that Bethesda is indeed fortunate to be blessed by God with so many wonderful concerned friends. It is your help that makes Bethesda the Home that it is. God has blessed us with an extremely unique Home, one that is unparallelled in our area. We are being recommended by every state and local agency. We can be justly proud of what we have, and we are now in the process of expanding our services to our aging citizens. It is help that makes this possible, and we often repeat that phrase which our beloved Rev. Botka used so often, “az Úré legyen a dicsőség” to God be the Glory. Our winter tourists have begun to arrive, and soon we will once again be filled to capacity. It is a great joy for us to host so many of our “old timers.” It is a joy for them also, since they once again meet with old time friends, and gives each of them an opportunity to reminisce of times long gone. Each year we miss one or two of our friends who would be with us if it weren’t for illness, or for the fact that they may have been promoted to glory. We miss them, but their memories remain with us for a long time after they are gone. Plans for our expansion are moving ahead quite rapidly at this time. Bids for construction will be taken hopefully during the middle of January, and contracts should be let by February. We are moving forward on faith, and we know that the will of God will be done. Please continue to uphold us with your prayers. Together we can do it. Ernest J. Kish, Administrator * * * BETHESDA BAPTIST RETIREMENT HOME CONTRIBUTIONS DECEMBER. 1977 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Taylor, Wadsworth, Ohio $ 30.00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fogarty, Stratford, Conn. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eibner, Palm Bay 10.00 Lenke Attila, Watervliet, Michigan 10.00 Alex Pater, Trumbull, Conn. 5.00 Margaret Mobley, Palm Bay 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ilika, Bloomington, Minn. 20.00 Mr. and Mrs. George Salyards, Penny Farms, Fla. 10.00 Mary Yovanovits, Palm Bay 10.00 Elizabeth Kmet, Palm Bay 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Raduly, Hemet, Cal. 10.00 Rev. and Mrs. John Bene, W. Palm Beach, Fla. 10.00 Bethesda Baptist Church 85.00 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Toth, Norwalk, Conn. 15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kautz, Forsyth, Mo. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Forgács, Fairfield, Conn. 10.00 First Baptist Church, Mount Holly 60.00 Mr. and Mrs. Geza Bartha, Massillon, Ohio 10.00 Mrs. Julia Varga, Hemet, Cal. 5.00 Anonymous 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vura, Mesa, Arizona 300.00 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Keleman, Mesa, Arizona 10.00 Mrs. Velma Kinda, Van Nuys, Cal. 5.00 Mrs. Julia Panich, Long Island, N.Y. 10.00 American Hungarian Baptist Ladies Aid, Los Angeles, Cal. 100.00 First Hungarian Baptist Church, Lincoln Park, Michigan 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaffer, North Bay, Ontario, Canada 50.00 Julia Biro, Phoenix, Arizona 10.00 Mrs. Mary Berleth, Long Island, N.Y. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Julian Simon, Palm Bay 10.00 Irene Balogh, Pompano Beach, Fla. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Allison Sebastian, Albany, N.Y. 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Revy, St. Petersburg, Fla. 20.00 Nicholas Hegedűs, Lake Worth, Fla. 10.00 Chesnut St. Baptist Church, Wadsworth, Ohio 67.73 William C. Urban, Wadsworth, Ohio 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steg, Palm Bay 15.00 Mrs. J. W. Lanham, Palm Bay 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sada, Cleveland, Ohio 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kautz, Holiday, Fla. 25.00 Hungarian Baptist Church, N.Y.C. Hungarian Baptist Church 80.00 Julia Smenyak, Palm Bay 5.00 Emma Koblos, Palm Bay 5.00 Gabriel Petre, Chicago, 111. 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius Lengyel, Homestead, Pa. 15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Berleth, Long Island, N.Y. 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Vassi, New Brunswick, N.J. 25.00 Ladies Aid, Silliman Memorial Baptist Church, Bridgeport, Conn. 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bodolay, Wadsworth, Ohio 10.00 Mrs. Garto, Wadsworth, Ohio 10.00 Mrs. Bayduk, Wadsworth, Ohio 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Sebestyen, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Geza Simon, Riviera Beach, Fla. 5.00 Mrs. John Haydn, Sr., Palm Bay 15.00 Ladies Aid, New York City 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. W. R. O’Neil, W. Melbourne, Fla. 10.00 Mrs. Agnes Nemeth, N.Y.C. 25.00 Mission Guild, Silliman Memorial Baptist Church, Bridgeport, Conn. 82.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Toth, Trumbull, Conn. 20.00 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Balogh, Los Altos, Cal. 25.00 Dorothy Legoza, Fairfield, Conn. 100.00 Maria Foo, Yonkers, N.Y. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yanik, Tonawanda, N.Y. 25.00 “JÉZUS ÉL” Magyar Evangélizáló Társaság P. O Box 121 \ San-Dimu.x, California' 91773 INe felejtse el közölni rokonaival ' és ismerőseivel európai rádióadásunk időpont jál: Kedd estenként 6:15—6:30-ig .1 49 múl eres rövid hullámhoss/oi Evaiigéti/.ál: I'ÜRME/.El ZOLTÁN