Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1975 (67. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1975-01-01 / 1. szám

8. oldal EVANGÉLIUMI HÍRNÖK 1975. január 1. to make life more meaningful for them. We have once again had visitors from the east and from the west. Among the many folks who have visited were Mr. and Mrs. John Black, Trenton, N.J., Mr. Joseph Botka, San Francisco, Cal., Mrs. Julius Kish, Bridgeport, Conn., Mary and Rose Cases, Garfield, N.J. and now permanent residents of Palm Bay, Mr. John Vaprezsan, Ham­mond, Ind. and Mr. Louis Drescher, Cleveland, Ohio. It is wonderful to see all of our friends from near and far. You are all invited to come down to visit with us — you will be pleasantly surprised. Our list of those people who make Bethesda the wonderful, beautiful place that it is, is growing. Your beautiful prayers and deeds make the difference. God bless you all for it. Work on our major projects is about to begin. Our sprinkler system will take about three months to install. This will mean that we will be somehow out of sorts during this period of time. When it is completed, we will once again be in the good graces of our Public Safety Officers. Our residents are still in fair con­dition. We have had a few rather sick ones however. Mrs. Kmet (Miami) had to be taken to the hospital because of pneumonia. I’m happy to report that the Lord has answered our prayers and has al­lowed her to return to our family fold on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Helen Veizer has had rather exten­sive surgery. She is at present re­cuperating at the hospital, and we trust and pray that she too will be home among our family shortly. Thanksgiving Day was a blessed day of fellowship. We gathered around our tables and gave thanks to God for His abundant blessings. We had the proverbial turkey, sweet potatoes, turnip, salad and pumpkin pie. Many of our friends provided for extra special items which were served. Our fruit bowl contained much fruit and nuts which were en­joyed by all. Our neighboring residents were also invited to join us. It was good to see them enjoy the feast with us. My wife and I have just complet­ed one year of service at your Home. We wish to thank you personally for your prayers and support. May God bless you all. Ernest J. Kish BETHESDA BAPTIST RETIREMENT HOME CONTRIBUTIONS NOVEMBER, 1974 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kish, Bridgeport, Conn. $ 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ahart, Pembroke Pines, Pla. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eibner, Palm Bay, Fla. 25.00 Ladies Aid, Silliman Baptist Church, Bridgeport, Conn. 75.00 Hungarian Baptist Church, N.Y.C. 40.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Fogarty, Stratford, Conn. 10.00 Mrs. Judith Petrik, Dayton, Ohio 10.00 John Szász, Canton, Ohio 30.00 Irene Balogh, Palm Bay, Fla. 10.00 Bethesda Baptist Church, Palm Bay, Fla. 75.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gyarmati, North Brunswick, N.J. 35.00 Mrs. Elizabeth Halas, Indianapolis, Ind. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Dionys Fanchal, Los Angeles, Cal. 25.00 Mrs. Evelyn Barnes, Vero Beach, Fla. 5,00 Mr. and Mrs. Henri Stark, Vero Beach, Fla. 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Black, Robbinsonsville, N.J. 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Balogh, Northridge, Cal. 10.00 Leask Magyar Baptista Ima Kar 50.00 Mr. Julius Kish, Sr., Bridgeport, Conn. 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Vaprezsan, Hammond, Ind. 60.00 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kristoff, Allen Park, Mich. 10.00 Mrs. Ethel Muncson, Allen Park, Mich. 15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Adam Eifert, Sr., Vero Beach, Fla. 30.00 Mr. and Mrs. Emery Olah, Santa Monica, Cal. 100.00 Mary Slack, Newburgh, N.Y. 15.00 Mrs. Louis Stumpf, Palm Bay, Fla. 10.00 Mary Cases, Palm Bay, Fla. 12.00 Margaret Chytla, Calumet Park, 111. 25.00 Rev. and Mrs. Michael Major, Campbell, Ohio 20.00 Mrs. Marie Kreves, Warren, Ohio 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Forgács, Bridgeport, Conn. 10.00 Margaret Banrevi, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 5.00 Chestnut Street Baptist Missionary Circle, Wadsworth, Ohio 42.50 Margaret Lohnert, New York, N.Y. 5.00 Mrs. Clara Szabó, Youngstown, Ohio 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gast, Melbourne, Fla. 20.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Kish, Palm Bay, Fla. 30.00 Margaret Farkas, Edison, N.J. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Salyards, Penny Farms, Fla. 10.00 $1,049.50 I Olvassuk, I tanulmányozzuk i a Szentírást Vasárnapi iskolai lecke. 1975. január 12. A szenvedő Megváltó. Márk. 8: 27—38. Aranymondat: Ésaiás 53:5. Hétfő, jan. 6. Váltságdíj sokakért. Márk 10:35—45. Kedd, jan. 7. Tusa a Gecsemánéban. Márk 14:32—42. Szerda, jan. 8. Péter tagadása. Márk 14:66—72. Csüt., jan. 9. A katonák gúnyolódása. Márk 15:16—20. Péntek, jan. 10. A keresztrefeszítés. Márk 15:21—41. Szombat, jan. 11. A fájdalmak férfia. Ésaiás 53:1—9. Vas., jan. 12. A kereszt a mi megbé­kélésünk. Róma 5:1—11. Vasárnapi iskolai lecke. 1975. január 19. Az élet Ura. János 11:17—27. Aranymondat: Galata 2:20. Hétfő, jan. 13. Az élő víz. Ján. 4:1—15. Kedd, jan. 14. Az élet kenyere. Ján. 6:35—51. Szerda, jan. 15. Én vagyok a feltá­madás és az élet. Ján. 11:17—27. Csüt., jan. 16. Lázár feltámasztása. Ján. 11:38—44. Péntek, jan. 17. Én Uram és én Iste­nem. Ján. 20:24—30. Szombat, jan. 18. Maradjatok én bennem. Ján. 15:1—11. Vas., jan. 19. Kövess engem. Ján. 21:15—19.

