Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1974 (66. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1974-01-15 / 2. szám

6. oldal EVANGÉLIUMI HÍRNÖK 1974. január 15. felt welcome to Brother and Mrs. Ernest Kish. Brother Kish succeeds Rev. Molnár as the Administrator of our Retirement Home. His installa­tion took place this past Friday. It ought to be clear to every one of us that the role of the administrator of this Home is more than just taking over another job. This is a call. We believe that Brother Kish regards his new assigment as a call from the Lord to render service in His name. Anybody who accepts such a call, a ministry of such importance, ought to have and is entitled to have the support of all who love the Lord and are concerned about pepole in need. It is fitting, therefore, that every one of us will assure Ernie Kish and Ethel, his talented wife, of our love, high esteem, and prayerful support. JÖNNEK AZ ADOMÁNYOK AZ IRODALOMRA Irodalmi alapra befolyt október (1973) hótól A.M.B. Nőszövetség $ 50.— A.M.B. Yas. isk. szövetség 50.— Silliman Memorial Bapt. Church Bridgeport, Conn. 64.— Mrs. W. Tatter, Oak Lawn, 111.15.— Mr. Louis Katona, Ausztrália29.70 Mrs. Helen Johns, Willinkboro, N.J. 1.— Mrs. Pauline Molnár, Berwick, Pa. 2.— Mrs. Samuel Tóth, Leask, Sask. Can. 30.— Mrs. Julia Tóth, Welland, Ont. Can. 11.— Mr. -John Vanek, Meadowlands, Pa. 11.— Poxworthy Baptist Church Hungarian Mission 15.— Mrs. Louis Meyers, Edgewater, Fla. 15.— Rev. Paul Galambos, Milwaukee, Wise. 5.— Mr. Joe Őrlik, Brantford, Ont. Can. 5.— Mrs. Rose Urban, Vancouver 16. B.C. 15.— Mrs. László Lukács, Trenton, N.J. 10.— Mr. G. Radványi, Toronto, Ont. Can. 6.— Mr. Paul Podobni, Pipestone, Man. Canada 31.— Mrs. Susanna Papp, Montreal, Que. 10.— Bethesda Baptist Church, Palm Bay, Fla. 110.46 American Hungarian Bapt. Church Alhambra, Calif. 54.— Rev. Balia B. György, Palm Bay, Fla. 5.— Mr. Béla Marosi, Solon, Ohio 13.— Mr. John Sebestyén Jr., Brunswick, Ohio 5.— First Hungarian Bapt. Church, Toronto, Canada 137.— Mr. Csercsa Balázs, Toronto, Ont. Canada 5.— Mr. G. Radvány, Toronto, Ont. Can. 5.— Mr. Toth Dániel, Toronto, Ont. Can. 10.— Mr. Gábor Somogyi, Toronto, Ont. Cannada 10.— Mr. Nagy Gyula, Toronto, Ont. Can. 5.— N.N. (Bethany Church Cleveland) 200.— Mrs. Mátyás, Toronto, Ont. Can. 3.— Mrs. Teresia Vér. Dayton, Ohio 20.— Mrs. Esther Katona, Toronto, Ont. Canada 11.— Szerencsy Józsefné Irodalmi-pénztáros BETHESDA BAPTIST RETIREMENT HOME CONTRIBUTIONS NOVEMBER, 1973 Steven L. Toth $150.— Elizabeth O’Neil 3.15 Mary Pavlik 10.— Bethesda Baptist Church 50.— First Baptist Church of Garfield, N.J. 50.— Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Lehotsky 10.— Rev. and Mrs. William B. Molnár 25.— Margaret Chytla 15.— Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kish 10.— Elizabeth Fodor 10.— Ida Kantz 5.— Mrs. Veronika Andreca 8.20 Paulene Vradenburg 4.— $350.35 Dear Christian Friends: This is my first opportunity to appraise you of what is going on at your Bethesda Baptist Retirement Home. At this writing, I have only been on the job for about two weeks which is the short a time to be able to report much of anything. There are, however, a few things that you all should be aware of. First of all, I cannot say enough for the prepara­tion and the manner in which your previous director, Reverend Molnár and his fine wife, Joyce, prepared the facility for our coming. They did not leave anything to chance. They covered the entire operation of the Home with us either verbally or with written communication so that the transition would go without in­cident or concern by either our employees or our residents. We are most grateful to them for their dedi­cation and continuing concern for our Home. Both Ethel and I have been ex­tremely busy, working day and night in order to gain familiarity with the operation of the Home. We have made progress in many areas, but we have much to learn. We are ap­proaching the Holiday season with confidence that the Lord will bless us all and that you will remember us in your prayers. There is much needed to make our Home both safe and sound opera­tionally and financially. Safety regu­lations are demanding greater em­phasis and attention. Our present concern is the need to install a Sprinkler System into our facility. This is an extremely expenseive undertaking. Then too, food and la­bor costs are going higher and higher. Is it any wonder then that we need your prayerful support. Please remember that we have a very lovely facility here in Florida. One that we can be proud of. We have a few vacancies which we will fill on a first come basis. We also have a few rooms available for tourists on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Please be sure to stop in to visit with us at any time, if you are in the area. If you have not been here before, you will be very pleasantly surprised. This is your Home, you can be justly proud of it. Please pray for us. Ernest J. Kish, Administrator A VÁLTOZATLAN SZERETET C. H. Spurgeon beszélgetett egy földes gazdával, akinek a tanyáján látta, hogy egy szél járást jelző forgó nyílon ez a mondat állt: "Isten szere­tet." “Úgy véli, kedves barátom, hogy Isten szeretete olyan változó, mint ennek a nyílnak az iránya, amikor a széljárást követi?” — kér­dezte Spurgeon. "Nem, nem” — fe­lelte a gazda, “ez az írás azt jelenti, hogy bármerre is mutasson a nyíl, Isten mindig szeret.” Aki a múltat tiszteli, az a mát megbecsüli. A legújabb nem biztos, hogy a leg­jobb.

