Evangéliumi Hirnök, 1961 (53. évfolyam, 1-25. szám)

1961-04-15 / 11. szám

2-IK 0LDA1, EVANGÉLIUMI HÍRNÖK I 1961. április 15. Power Through Prayer By Rev. Ferry D. Van Der Veen M.A. STB. Pastor First Baptist Church Garfield, New Jersey At our Church in Garfield, New Jersey; it has become a costume to have the congregation select a Motto for the year. The Motto that was selected by the Congregation for the year 1961 is the theme of this pre­sent article, “POWER THROUGH PRAYER“. During this last decade, there has been a constant struggle for power between the Western Nations and those of the Communist bloc-nati­ons headed by the United States on the one hand, and Russia on the other hand Thus the battle of the Cold War continues indefinitely. It is unquestionably a challenge of free­dom, for the dignity and freedom of mankind. Dear reader, did it ever occur to you that there is a far superior battle in this world? Paul says in Ephesi­ans 6:12 these words. “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual principalities, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". This is not a battle among nations but a struggle between the Church of Jesus Christ and the powers of darkness. Millions of people upon this earth are being held in the grip of spiritual darkness. They are with­out hope until the powerful message of the Gospel reaches them. This is the task of the Church! It seems, that the Church has lost this vision. Christian people instead of really being concerned about the spiritual welfare of their fellowmen, often have become involved with hostile contentions and manifold divisions which have riddled and crippled the witnessing Church. While we, the redeemed of the Lord, worship man made idols of theology and doctrine and make shrines of devotion for our distincti­ve testimonies, the world filled hu­man souls for whom Christ died is groping in darkness. Some years ago, writes a histori­an, the bickering, quarreling follow­ers of Huss, Luther, Calvin and other Reformers, fleeing from the deadly persecution of that day found a/n asylum on the estate of Zinzendorf. While protected from the outside world, who was there to protect them from their own religious passi­ons, which threatened to destroy them? On August 5, 1727, a company of them spent the entire night in pra­yer. Prayer inspired them to draw up a Brotherly Covenant to seek out and emphasize the points upon which they agreed and not to stress their differences. On August 12th, they entered into a solemn Covenant to dedicate their lives to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ, each one in his particular cal­ling and position. Prayer brought them together, and brought them into a new relation with Christ. On August 13th, the power and blessing of God came so mightily upon them that pastor and people sank in the dust before God, and in this frame of mind and spirit they continued till midnight engaged in prayer and singing, weeping and supplication. Prayer had united them Unity brought a downpour of the Spirit of God. Out of these sprang the modern, worldwide foreign Missionary mo­vement. From the small village of Hernhutt, where the first fire fell, in twenty-five years were sent over one hundred missionaries carrying the message to all the world. In 1738 a humble hand of Mora­vians gathered for prayer at Alders­­gate Street. London, England. John Wesley attended and God met him there with the full assurance of a blood bought salvation. This assurance set Wesley aflame for God and the fires of a renewed righteouness were again ablazing in the world threatened with the spread of the French Revolution. May these incidents related here encourage you as a warrier of the Cross of Christ today, as we Christi­ans set our faces to seek the Lord. We have at our disposal the grea/­­test power in the world. This power in hidden in the secret of prayer. Prayer is the need of the hour in our churches, in our homes and in the life of every child of God. Hear the challenge from the Word of God. II. Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land“. James 5:16. “Confess your faults one to another, and Pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fer­vent prayer of a righteous man availeth much“. From these and countless passages from the Word of God we learn, that the secret of Power is hidden in prayer. Take God at His Word, and avail yourselves of this power. Do not delay! Begin now! Gather together in your church, or home and pray that the light of the gospel may shine in your com­munity as never before. May the Lord richly bless you for His glory. -------------——o--------------------------Az Amerikai-Magyar Baptista Szövetség évi konferenciáját Bridgeporton, Conn., államban tartja 1961 julius 12-16-ig. A prog­ram bizottság keményen dolgozik egy korszerű program kidolgozáeán s akik részt vehetnek ez évi nagy­gyűlésen, minden anyagi áldozatuk gazdagon pótolva lesz a lelki áldá­sokkal. A bridgeporti gyülekezetünk már most imádkozik és készül ez évi gyűlésre. Ebben a nagy országban szétszórtan élnek gyülekezeteink. A távolság nagy, a költség nagy, bár­miként utazzunk, de győzzünk le minden nehézséget s menjünk erre az évi gyűlésre felújítani az Úrral és egymással való lelki közösségünket! Nyelvünket Isten eszköz gyanánt adta, hogy vet'e őt szolgáljuk.

