Az Egri Ho Si Minh Tanárképző Főiskola Tud. Közleményei. 1987. (Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis : Nova series ; Tom. 18/08)

Vass Miklós: A technika tantárgy tanításának módszertani problémái

- 3 ­VASS MIKLÓS A TECHNIKA TANTÁRGY TANÍTÁSÁNAK MÓDSZERTANI PROBLÉMÁI Abstract: (The Methodological Difficulties Related to the Teaching of Technical Studies) The introduction of Technical Studies at primary level, occured 8 Years ago. Attempts to teach a significantly extended syllabus in an unchanged number of periods, and the lack of methodological experience has caused teachers considerable difficulties. The appearance of this subject is closely related to efforts to modernize the curriculum employed in primary education. It has become increasingly clear that pupils cannot be provided with a body of knowledge sufficient for their whole working life. The only conceivable answer is to lay far greater emphasis on the teaching of skills. Every school subject has a role to play in this process, including Technical Studies. Among fundamental skills, the abilities to recognize and to act are among the most important, and these must be integrated into our system of educational activities. The most suitable framework for this is provided by problem-solving tasks. The article continues to examine a system of such activities based on the logic of human work and the characteristics of the subject. It goes on to demonstrate that this can be put into practice within the framework of a schematic plan, illustrating this fact with an example. Finally, it mentions the fact that the teaching of agricultural attainments can pose special difficulties, as well asindicating the need to study the possible implications of integrating agricultural and technical teaching. A technika az általános iskolában a legfiatalabb tantárgyak egyike, az 1985-86-os tanév az első, amikor mind a nyolc osztályban ezt tanítjuk. Módszertani problémák még olyan tantárgyaknál is vannak, amelyeket már

