Az Eszterházy Károly Tanárképző Főiskola Tudományos Közleményei. 2007. Sectio Scientarium Economicarum et Socialium. (Acta Academiae Agriensis : Nova series ; Tom. 34)

M. Vas István: A gazdasági ismeretek oktatásának helyzete Magyarországon a XVIII. századtól napjainkig

M. VAS ISTVÁN* A gazdasági ismeretek oktatásának helyzete Magyarországon a XVIII. századtól napjainkig Historical Background of Teaching Business Education in Hungary from the 18 t h to 21 s t century Studying the historical judgement of business education, we can state that there has always been a demand for the knowledge in connection with economy in the Hungarian public education, tough with slight variations. Moreover, the necessity of applying practice-oriented methods - which is the topic of my thesis - appeared even in the 18 l h-century sources. How and why has the importance of teaching business education been changed during the past 300 years? How could the aims and programmes of several mon­archs, ministers and parliamentary committees have been realised in practise? What new challenges must today's business education face nowadays? Did we or do we need such a subject at all? During my research I wanted to find answers to the above questions. I used par­liamentary reports, syllabuses, legal acts, period-studies and secondary literature. As a result of my research, 1 can state that teaching business education appears in several ways in the Hungarian public education, since it has played a role in the primary, secondary and higher education both in general and professional levels, in further education, trainings and retrainings. I also heard about teaching some basic economic knowledge in nursery schools, evidently, only in a funny way. The necessity of teaching business education was acknowledged in all ages, though it was paid varying attention. Yet its aim has not changed during the last 300 years; i.e. "to teach people to be able to live successfully - according to their cir­cumstances." But the business education often had a secondary function, too, legitimate the ever-existing political system. This aspect can be examined constantly in the periods I have studied so far. Another important criterion is the expectation of giving a kind of practice­orientation. Obviously, criteria of practice-orientatedness may change from time to time, as economy, society, education system and economics change themselves. Teaching-education can be especially effective independently of any if it is able to renew, follow the changes in demand and takes local conditions into considera­tion. * M. Vas István PhD hallagtó, főiskolai tanársegéd, Eszterházy Károly Főiskola, Gazdaságtu­dományi Intézet

