Délmagyarország, 1928. május (4. évfolyam, 99-122. szám)

1928-05-20 / 114. szám

DÉLMAGYARORSZÁG HESS2 fflff? m'áfns 20." lágvárosi méretű, szépségű és kulturáju vá­rosba vezetett wild-west kirándulásom! Ma már természetesen nevet a Miss eze­ken az emlékeken és Hannsworth képviselő látogatásának különösen egyért őrül. — A polgármester ur alkalmat fog nekem adni — mondja —, hogy Harmsworth" ur­nák személyesen nyilatkozhassam arról a há­láról, amit önökkel szemben érzek. Ezt meg­tenni kedves kötelességem s ez lesz egyben köszönetem is. Lengyel Vilma. Past and present of il\e Town. — Cui-off railway com­munication». — SOOO farms on Ihe fe Hrltory of the Town — Economic possibilities. Szeged, Hungary's second biggest town with a round number of 130.000 inhabitants, is situated in the Great Hungarian Plain on the river Tisza Into which not far from the town runs its most important fork the river Maros ooming from Transylvania. The town has been already men­tioned in the ancient Hungarian records as an importaant settlement, but bas lost its impor­tance during the Turkish domination in the XVI. and XVII. centuries. The new soaring up began not until the last century, but especially after the great flood in the year 1879. In. the following years the town has been nearly totally rebuilt, the main portion of which lying on the right bank of the river with its roomy squares, shady promenades, broad rings and radial streets gives security to the fundament of the town to develop in the future to a large city. The interiour town with its new public and private buildings, splen­did monuments gives a surpassing modern im­pression, whereas the surburbs have preserved very much the village character of the settle­ments of the Hungarian Plain. The town is channeled, has an aqueduct, gas and electric lighting and within its precinct the most impor­tant parts are connected with electric tramway lines. Up to Hungary's mutilation Szeged had in every direction its rich hinterland. But to-day on ac­count of the new boundaries it is practially cut off to South, South-East and South-West and so it is oompelled to do without the blessed tracks of Bácska and Ránát consumers, as well as pro­ducers. Even ten years after the war did not sucoeed to reestablish ia the old extent the normal traffic relations on the river and the rail­way lines running to Yugoslavia and Roumania. In pre-war time to the most Important tracks of Central-Europe belonged the principal line Vienna—Budapest—Ortova, on which ran the Pa­ris— Ostende—Constant»— Orient Express Train. This track, crossing immediately after Szeged the river Tisza passes a few kilometer short section on Yugoslav territory. Through ten years it was impossible to accomplish a combined service on this line and the Yugoslav section was used for the parking of repair undergoing carriages. Since a few days there are running only two trains on this line which connects Szeged with the Bánát and Roumania The town is the seat oi numerous autnormes, among them there is a Rom. Cath. Episcopal See, Court of Justice with the Attorney-generalship, Board of Traffic management for the State Rail­ways, Board of Revenues, Board of Post- and Telegraph Offices, Chamber of Cammeroe and Industry and a Police and Gendarmerie Districts 105 FOTO lemezek, papírok, vegyszerek és fényképezőgép újdonságok óriást választékban. Kedvező részletfizetésre is készpénzárban. Ingyenes sötétkamra éí nagyitógép használat. Sandberg Henrik Szeged, Széchenyi tér 16. Command. Schools to be mentioned are: a Gym­nasium, a Real-school, Gymnasium for girls, Se­minary for school-masters, a high School for Industry, a School for wood-working branch and two Commercial High Schools etc. After the Peace Treaty the town has erected with great material sacrifices a new home for the Universily transferred from Kolozsvdr. The last remainders of the old town have been pulled down to make room for the modern clinics and laboratories of the University the vocation of which is to exercise an auspicious influence on the forma­tion of the mortality and that of the state of i health of the town. Among the practical scien­tific institutions of the town is to mention ?he Institution for Agro-Chemistry opened in 1926. In the so oalled »Palace of Culture« is to be found a municipial library containing 150.000 volumes and the Museum with etnographic-, art- and nature­historical collections. Special attention deserve the neolithic and Bronze-Age findings of Cs6ka, a place South of Szeged on the river. A very peculiarity of the town which is com­mon with most of the places of the Plain takes its origin from the time of the Turkish domi­nation. At occasional invasions the country-folk fled to larger places and in such a manner took their rise the towns of the Hungarian Plain which are comparatively large but rather distant, sometimes 15 to 20 kmtres from each other. The territory of the evacuated villages has been in­corporated with the territories of the towns and in such a way has the political community of Szeged to-day an extension of nearly 142.000 ca­dastre acres (814 sq. km). Not less than 70.000 cad. acres of fields, forests, vegetable-and fruit-gar­dens are the property of the town and so it is one of the richest towns on the Continent. This estate ownership gives the possibility to the town to oarry on a rational aoclal policy by leasing to the small peasants 5—10 acres of field. This terri­tory is populated to-day about with 40.000 souls in nearly 8000 farm-yards, having a small gauge railway and 'buss connection with the tow«. In spite of the Trianon boundary, which is nothing but mocking at eoonomie point of views, Szeged in consequence of its location is one of the most important commercial towns of the country, especially for corn, flour, fruit, wine, cattle, animal products, poultry, wood etc. The modern industries are comparatively briskly developed; first of all there are the well-known old milling-industry and hemp- and flax-industry which beside their two large modern factories are represented by several small workshops. More­over nearly all the industry branches are rep­resented by some undertakings. We may mention as an industrial speciality the productions of fine leather and embroidered slippers Which is manufactured mostly by small traders. Szeged may boast als6 of numerous specialities of its agri­cultural productions. To these belongs first of all the world-wide known paprika which is grown in large quantities in the environs of the town. At any rate it may surprise all the readers that this drug reoognised as a national-magyar spiee has been imported only during the Turkish domination and its use became general in the XIX. century. Important is the production of the »tarhonya« a kind of dried paste of wich there produced ca. 150 waggons yearly. The produce of the light and aromatic wines of the sandy district is gradually increasing. An other specia­lity is the bulrush plaiting which is yearly improving. Further may be mentioned that the .town has worked out a special programm for promoting the industry on the basis of which various favours could be warranted to the new industrial undertakings even over the limit of the laws for promoting Hungarian industry. Dr. A. ToaelH. FLY-TOX a logelsS és világhírű fóregltó szer, mely az Hmbervédelml KlálIttAson ts kitüntetést nyert, megSI legyet, szúnyogot, molyt, po'osKát, tváh­bogarat, hangyát, bolhát, tatűt «tb. Emberre és állatra vesaölytolen, de biztos halál férgekre és rovarokra. Nem méi-agl Nem hagy foltot 1 Ügyeljen a védjegyre I Illata kellemes. Hatása garautáll HáztMtAsoXtmn, gazdaságokban, ttzamekbea nélkülöahetetlon. Kb. negyedliteres üveg szálfájával— 3.- P Bádojt artályokban: kb. '/.Itt * 5.60 t kb. Ilit. kb. 2 lit kb. 5 Ili 10.50 P 1».—P 44. -T Kéatpermetező igen gazdaságos) 4. —P óvakodjunk az utánzatoktól 1 Mindenütt kaphat« Prospektust klvinntr» kaid % magyii'oraziai vezérképviselet: Róvész Ernő és Társa Budapest, V, Nádor teca 30 Trafón: Up« 088-25 Szépirodalmi könyvek óriási választékban 8-16-48 fillértől. Zeneműtek csak 20 fillér darabja. Szegcdi képeslap nagy választékban. Hungária Aníiquarium BffifS-íroSi | Alkalmasbérmaajándékoí I olcsó áron BabÓS Árpádnál, Oroszlán ucca 6.­8 pengőért "-rLIDON Penslone LuUaban. El»örangu családi otthon.- Ki ünS konyha. — Magyar kisxolgálás é« leveleiés. Tulajdonos: Pál Lási'ó. Lido-Venezla—Italla. KIT II • r rn Uri es noi divatáruk férfi ingek, nyakkendők, kötött kabátok és pulloverek, férfi, női és gyermek harisnyák legnagyobb választékban 8233 | olcsó szabott árakon Poilák Testvéreknél I Széchenyi tér és Csekonics ucca. 3 I Szegszárdy József bőrönd- és bőrdíszműves Szeged, Iskola u. II. Telefon: ÍO— 74. 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