Calvin Synod Herald, 2007 (108. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
2007-01-01 / 1-2. szám
4 CALVIN SYNOD HERALD Christianity Is Unique Among World Religions I used to believe that all roads lead to heaven, back when I was in high school and college. Those were times where I had fallen away from my faith (Christianity) and saw no reason for it all. Heck, I felt at times that I could profess atheism and be just as correct as any religion is about their truths. In reality, I was an agnostic, despite being brought up in the church (Methodist Church, where I learned more about bureaucracy than God). I was struggling against God until my soul could hold out no longer (junior year of college). I was awakened to the truth of Christianity, the only faith where God came to be with us, died for us, gave us salvation, saved us through faith and not works, and teaches us to love God, family, and everyone else. No other faith has all of these attributes at its core, least of all Islam, which openly advocates violence against infidels (read the second half of the Koran, written after Mohammed was rejected by many, and before the point where the faith began to be spread by the sword). Buddhism says that enlightenment is within us, we just have to work hard for it, but there is no god (Buddha is an ideal, not a god). Nor is there a god in Confucianism, it is a philosophy. Hinduism is pantheistic, and as a result violates God’s First Commandment. All of these faiths are no different than others in the Old Testament that God condemned the Israelites for following in their fickleness. The only major religion that we share a God with is Judaism (I fervently believe that Allah is not the same as our God) and even there, the relationship is tenuous because they deny the divinity of Christ. Christianity is unique among world religions. There is a reason for this. God’s people continually “got it wrong” in OT days, so God had to come and fix us Himself in order to make us right with Him. Jesus (God) then tells us to tell everyone else what he said and that to follow him is to follow his Father in Heaven. I am no preacher, so forgive me for sounding like one. I just can’t understand why so many people out there are so eager to ignore the spiritual battle that is occurring right before our eyes. PRAYER — continuedfrom page 3 blemish,” (Exodus 29:1) C. Believers hallow God’s name by submitting to the Triune Revelation of God as it is acknowledged in heaven. “And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. ” (Revelation 4:8) Dr. Edwin P. Elliott Reformed Presbyterian Church Manassas, Virginia Of course, Scripture tells us why in Revelation, but you must actually believe it is the word of God to take it seriously. Russell Kohrs Broadway High School “This life was not intended to be the place of our perfection, but the preparation for it.” -Richard Baxter Sola Scriptura, Soli Deo Gloria, Solus Christus, Sola Gratia, Sola Fide Russell Kohrs is one of the FWC Board members and a high school teacher in Virginia. We have permission to share this article with the churches of the Calvin Synod. It is evidence that lay members are capable of discerning truth and sorting out falsehood. It also demonstrates what Christian educated laity can do on their own. Perhaps it will encourage our Elders and Members to take on Bible study and beyond. Submitted by: Rev. Albert W. Kovács FWC Answers Some Theological Questions What do Faithful and Welcoming Churches do about welcoming homosexuals or others? Calvin Synod churches have joined with the FWC because we believe it can be a useful instrument for restoration of our church, once scripturally based and theologically responsible. As a Synod, we welcome all people to worship and serve the Lord in our churches. Our doors are open to all people - some are ethnic Hungarians but many are not - who will worship God with us. We believe the churches should welcome everyone, as all people are created by the Lord’s hand, and the Lord said: My house shall be a house of prayer for all peoples. Membership in the churches, however, is limited to those who will confess as their own the sole authority of the scriptures, and as faithful guides the revered ecumenical creeds and Reformation confessions. Further, their lives are to be examples to the members and to others of godly behavior. Those unwilling to do so shall be refused membership, as members shall be denied leadership roles, and may be removed from the rolls. Calvin Synod, responding to the grievous disorder in human sexuality in our times, has made it plain that we do not condemn homosexuals, and they are welcome in our church, as are heterosexuals. However, we do not tolerate, no less accept, sexual activity outside marriage - which is fornication or adultery - by anyone. The rules are the same for everyone. Those doing so are sinners against Christ, since in the Christian faith we are one body, He in us and we in Him, and we may not make Him a fornicator or adulterer, which is particularly heinous. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall / therefore take the members of Christ and make them