Prékopa Ágnes (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 30. (Budapest, 2016)

Edit DARABOS: Altera Theca continens.A Research Into Historical Leather Cases made for Esterhazy Treasury Items

6 A few previously restored cases have already been exhibited: Európai bőrművesség [European fine leather-work] (curator: Éva Koroknay, Museum of Applied Arts, 1951, Nagytétény Mansion, 1953) Művészi bőrtárgyak a XVII. és XVIII. századból [Artistic leather objects from the 17th and 18th centuries] (curator: Hilda Horváth, Helikon Palace Museum, Keszthely, 2008). The first time such objects were exhibited as independent works of applied art was probably at the National Millennium Exhibition of 1896, where sixteen leather cases were displayed in the rooms of the ‘Historical Section’; the cases belonged to items in the Forchtenstein treasury, but they were borrowed without the items of fine metalwork themselves. A few of these cases are included among the illustrations accompanying the study. In: Ezredéves 1896-i Országos Kiállítás: A Történelmi főcsoport hivatalos katalógusa II. füzet [National Millennium Exhibition of 1896: Official catalogue for the Historical Section, volume IL], Budapest, 1896, pp. 218-219. 7 A number of items were removed from Forchtenstein in 1918 without their cases. I am indebted to Dr Florian T. Bayer, head of the collection of the Esterházy Privatstiftung, and his colleagues, Margit Kopp and Balázs Czigány, for their generous help in preparing this study. 8 Foreign examples of displaying cases together with the objects they contained - both in exhibitions and in publications - provided additional motivation during our research. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Ulrike Weinhold and Rainer Richter of the Grünes Gewölbe for their precious help in my research. Some of the items belonging to Louis de Bourbon that are now in the collection of the Prado have also been published together with their cases. See: Arbeteta Mira, Letizia: El tesoro del delfin, Madrid, 2001 (hereafter Arbeteta 2001). The Munich Residenz also houses a large number of leather cases. I extend my gratitude to the restorer Jan Braun (Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung, München) for providing me with information about the conservation of cases at the Residenz. I am also grateful to Rainer Paulus and Konrad Schlegel of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna (Schatzkammer) for permitting me to examine the leather cases in the collection. Thanks go to Rosemarie Seim, leather and textiles restorer, for her help in the overview of the topic. 9 Inv. E. 60.15. Szilágyi 2014, pp. 83-89. MNL OL P 108. Rep 26 Fasc. Nr 54. The case for the object has the inventory number: 51.1099. 10 Bauer, Rotraut - Haupt, Herbert: ‘Das Kunstkammerinventar Kaiser Rudolfs II. 1607-1611.’ In: Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien 72, (1976), p. 17. 11 Katona, Imre: ‘A fraknói kincstár 1685. évi leltára.’ [The 1685 inventory of the Forchtenstein treasury.] In: Savaria. A Vas megyei Múzeumok Értesítője 17- 18, (1983-1984), pp. 461-502. The inventory comprises details of several surveys, probably made at different times. See: Szilágyi 2014, p. 335, Kiss 2015, pp. 164-165. 12 Esterházy Privatstiftung K 44, Katona, Imre: A fraknói kincstár 1685. évi leltára. Savaria. A Vas megyei Múzeumok Értesítője 17/18, 1989, pp. 461 — 502 (hereafter Katona 1989), p. 493. Edgy Tokban termés Christall, Kalán kés és villa. [Rock Crystal Spoon, knife and fork in a Case.] 13 Esterházy Privatstiftung K 13/1-2, Katona 1989, 469. Egy tokban két calcedon keőből csinált so tartocska. [Two salt cellars made of chalcedony stone, in a case.] 14 MNL OL Rep. 8. Fase. C. Nr.37 and Nr. 37/NB 15 MNL OL P 108, Rep. 8. Fase C. Nr. 37/NB. Cited items: Armarium sub Nro 43-44. 16 Kiss, Erika: “‘ nicht zu aestimirn” Nádasdy Ferenc sárvári tárházának rekonstrukciója.’ [“ nicht zu aestimirn ” A reconstruction of Ferenc Nádasdy’s treasury in Sárvár.] In: Bubryák, Orsolya (ed.): ...ez a világ mint egy kert. Tanulmányok Galavics Géza tiszteletére [Studies in honour of Géza Galavics.], Budapest, 2010, pp. 205-214, and Kiss, Erika: ‘Nádasdy Ferenc tárházai és kincsei.’ [Treasuries and treasures of Ferenc Nádasdy]. In: Századok 2010/4, pp. 933-968. 47

