Prékopa Ágnes (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 30. (Budapest, 2016)

Edit DARABOS: Altera Theca continens.A Research Into Historical Leather Cases made for Esterhazy Treasury Items

17 Syndram, Dirk: Die fürstliche sächsische Kunstkammer von 1619. Dresden, 2010, fol. 49 lr. 18 Katona, Imre: ‘A fraknói kincstár 1725. évi leltára.’ [The 1725 inventory of the Forchtenstein treasury.] In: Művészettörténeti Értesítő 29,1980, pp. 131-147 (hereafter Katona 1980). The inventory as begun in 1721, as the source itself states. The cover bears the year 1725. According to the handwritten clause, it was signed on 6 January 1725. Museum of Applied Arts, Archive KLT 236/1957. See also: Kiss 2015, p. 171. 19 Inv. no: E 59.1.1, In: Szilágyi 2014, cat. I.I., the previous inventory number of the case: 51. 1306. The date and coat-of-arms tools visible on the case have been reported by several scholars in connection with investigations into the history of the object. For more on the coat-of-arms tools and the inscriptions EMERICUS FORGACH 1593, CATHARINA DUCISSA SAXONIAE 1593 see: Szilágyi 2014, pp. 48-50, and Mikó, Árpád: ‘Az Esterházy-kincstár és a Mátyás-hagyomány.’ [The Esterházy treasury and the Matthias tradition.] In: Ács 2015, p. 241. 20 The object that can be conditionally associated with the case: Esterházy Privatstiftung K 4, Katona 1980, p. 143, Almárium Sub Nris 61 et 62, Nro 9. 21 E 76.6., Szilágyi 2014, cat. V.31. and Ej 206 (damaged), both cases are held in Forchtenstein. 22 Undated register, presumed to be from 1708, MNL OL Rep. 8. Fase. C. No. 36, published in: Szilágyi, András: ‘Esterházy Pál megrendelései és szerzeményei.’ [The commissions and acquisitions of Paul Esterházy.] In: Ács 2015, pp. 175-198. 23 MOL OL Rep. 8 Fase. C. No. 39/2, see also: Kalmár, János: Királynéi koronázás Pozsonyban 1714-ben. [The coronation of the queen in Pozsony (Bratislava, Slovakia) in 1714.] http://szijarto.web. koronazas.pdf (retrieved on 10 September 2015). 24 Jewelled cup, inv. no. E 64.2 In: Szilágyi 2014, cat. 1.12, case ID: Et 8. 25 MOL OL Rep.8 Fase. C. No. 39/2. 26 Haupt, Herbert: Das Hof- und hofbefreite Handwerk im barocken Wien 1620 bis 1770, Innsbruck - Wien - Bozen, 2007, p. 417. The name Fleischhacker can also be found on the register of Nádasdy’s assets when they were appropriated by the Viennese court. Sándor Takáts’s transcription of the 1669 inventory of Ferenc Nádasdy’s treasury in Sárvár. Central Archives of the Hungarian Province of the Piarist Order, Estate of Sándor Takáts: TS box 12. 27 MNL OL P 125, Pál nádor iratai [Documents of Palatine Paul (Esterházy)] III. köteg 107, Nr. 10810 28 Hungarian National Archives (MNL OL) P 125, Pál nádor iratai [Documents of Palatine Paul (Esterházy)] III. köteg 108, Nr. 10860 29 Hungarian National Archives (MNL OL) P 125, Pál nádor iratai [Documents of Palatine Paul (Esterházy)] III. köteg 107, Nr. 10846 30 In general, little is known about the trade of manufacturing cases, but from the sources it appears that the masters who plied this trade can be sorted into two groups. Most commonly they were bookbinders who also received commissions to make cases, while the other group apparently only made the bodies of the cases, although they may also have produced other types of goods, such as toys. Grif.b, Manfred H. (ed.) Nürnberger Künstlerlexikon. München, 2007. C&pg=PAl 84&lpg=PAl 84&dq=n%C3%BCrnber ger+stadtlcxikon&source=bl&ots=lY_cNvwf9w&si g=fapSnvtGX30K5qaKERzsztT7hQc&;hl=en&sa= X&ved=0ahUKEwih-q6sy6nJAhXEAA8KHY7AB skQ6AEIbzAJ#v=onepage&q=n%C3%BCrnberg er%20stadtlexikon&f=false (retrieved on 6 September 2015), and Helwig, Hellmuth: Hand­buch der Einbandkunde II. Band. 1954, p. 354. 31 Tools were made by casting and sometimes etching. There is a lot of similarity between tools, the decorative elements used by printers and the ornamentation visible on pieces of fine metalwork from the period. See: B. Koroknay, Éva: ‘Brandenburgi Katalin kötéstáblája.’ [The book 48

