Dr. T. Tóth szerk.: Studia historico-anthropologica (Anthropologia Hungarica 17. Budapest, 1981)

process can be followed from the Arpadian Age up to the present (Table 5-6). Brachycephalization as a process is well-expressed in the Central Danubian Basin from La Tène up to our days. The average values characterizing the female series are in all of the periods higher than those from male ones. Brachycephalization was the most intensive during the final period of the Medieval Epoch (Table 5-6). In the Central Danubian Basin the massive North-Caspian variant had been absorbed considerably by the aboriginal populations (Fig. 5), but especially in central somatomor­phological complex of the Hungarians it survives up to the present (considering the effects of a heterosis as negligible). The craniomorpholbgical analogies between conquering Hungarians and Sauro-Sarmatians reinforce the hypothesis that some groups of Protougors infiltrated the ethnic millieu of the northern zone of the Caspian See already in the first millennium B.C. (Fig. 6). One part of this neometallic millieu may be identified with the Proto-Hungarians who developed during the Early Prochorovean phase in the history of Sarmatians. These hypothetical Proto-Hun­garians separated themselves anthropologically from the Finnish-Ugors of the South-Uralian region as well as from the West-Siberian Protougor tribes. Taking futher in account that the area of the massive, broad-faced Protoeuropoid component was very extensive during the last two millennia B.C. (between Lower-Volga and Minussinsk Basin); on the basis of the reciprocal population-con­nections caused by the tribal confederations the Srubno-andronovean Europoids can be partly re­garded as Protougors (TŐTH 1974a, 1977, 1979b) (Fig. 7). The blending of the two components, i.e. that of the massive one with broad face and that of the gracilized with narrow face took place in the Central Danubian Basin during our millen­nium. It was the process that resulted in the formation of the Central Danubian variant. The blending finds its clear expression in the ethnogeographic groups of living Hungarians. According to the topography of the cranial-index and bizygomatic breadth conquering Hungarians and some groups of the central somatological complex (Nagykunság, South-Palócság, Taktaköz) are very near each other. The other somatological groups are much closer to the conquering Hungarians than to the summarized series from the Medieval Epoch and Modem Times. The above explained analogies prove the determining role of the anthropological composition of conquering Hungarians in the racial- and ethnogenesis of the contemporary population of Central Danubian Region (Fig. 8). REFERENCES AKIMOVA, M.S. (1977): Matériaux anthropologiques dans le cimetière de Tankeevka. - Studia Archaeol. (Budapest), 6: 223-236. AKSIANOVA, G.A. (1979): Naselenije basseina Petshori i nizhnei Obi. - in: ZUBOV, A.A. & HALDEEVA, N.I., Etnitsheskaia odontologia SSSR, Moskva, 93-113. DEBETS, G. F. (1961): O nekotorueh napravleniah fzmeneniy v stroyenii tsheloveika sovremennogo vida. - Sov.Etnogr., 2: 9-23. DEBETS, G. F. (1968): Recherches anthropologiques en Afghanistan. - VIII. Congres International des Anthropologues et des Ethnologues (Tokio), Moscou, 13 pp. theses. FIRSHTEIN, B.V. (1970): Sarmatue Nizhnego Povolzhia v antropologitsheskom osveshtshenii. - in: TŐTH, T.A. & FIRSHTEIN, B.V., Antropologitsheskie dannue k voprosou o velikom pere­selenii narodov, Avarue i sarmatue, Nauka, Leningrad, 69-202. GHADZHIYEV, Yu.M. (1979): Daghestan. - in: ZUBOV, A.A. & HALDEEVA, N.I., Etnitsheskaia odontologia SSSR, Moskva, 141-163. GHASHIMOVA, U.F. (1979): Odontologitsheskaia harakteristika sovremennogo naselenia Azherbai­djana. - Quest. Anthrop., 60: 140-146. KÁLMÁN, B. (1953): A mai magyar nyelvjárások. Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 35 pp. TÓTH, T. (1968): Das Problem der Ethnogenese des landnehmenden Ungartums. - Congressus Secundus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum (Helsinki, 1965), Pars II.: 76-85. TÓTH, T. (1973): On the morphological modification of anthropological series in the Central Danubian Basin. - Ann . Hist.-nat. Mus.Nat. Hung. , 65: 323-350. TOTH, T. (1974a): Somatologia i paleoantropológia naselenia Vengrii. - Doct. dissertation I—II. , Budapest, 649 pp. TOTH, T. (1974b): On the Sarmatian Phase in the genesis of Proto-Hungarians-Central Asia in the Kushan Period (Dushanbe, 1968), Moscow, Vol.1. 210-218.

