Dr. T. Tóth szerk.: Studia historico-anthropologica (Anthropologia Hungarica 17. Budapest, 1981)

TŐTH, T. (1977): Somatologia i paleoantropológia naselenia Vengrii. - Doct. thesis, Moskva. 35 pp. TŐTH, T. (1979a): Some problems in the somatology of Hungarian people. - Ann.Hist.-nat. Mus. Nat.Hung., 71: 315-319. TŐTH, T. (1979b): Some factors in the morphological modification of Human groups. - Ann.Hist. nat. Nus.Nat. Hung. , 71: 321-328. TÓTH, T. (1980): Some anthropological problems of the Early Postglacial and Historic Europoids - Ann.Hist.-nat. Mus.Nat.Hung., 72: 295-307. ZUBOV, A.A. (1968): O rasovo-diagnostitsheskom znatshenii nakotorueh odontologitsheskih prizna­kov. - Sov.Etnogr., 3: 49-59. ZUBOV, A.A. (1973): Etnitsheskaia odontologia. - Moskva. 203 pp. ZUBOV, A.A., BABAKOV, O.B., DUBOVA, N.A., RUEKUSHINA, G.V.& HODJAIOV, T.K. (1979): Narodue Srednei Azii i Kazahstana. - in: ZUBOV, A.A. & HALDEEVA, M.I;, Etnitsheskaia odontologia SSSR, Moskva. 164-186. Author's address: Dr. T. TÓTH Anthropological Department Hungarian Natural History Museum H-1062 Budapest Bajza utca 39. HUNGARY

