William Penn Life, 1993 (28. évfolyam, 1-11. szám)

1993-01-01 / 1. szám

Page 4, William Penn Life, January 1993 Branch News Unanimously reelected to serve as officers for Branch 13 Trenton, N.J., for 1993 were (front, from left) Controller Maraget Hamari, Secretary Elsie H. Radvany, (back) Vice President Joseph Hamari, President Frank J. Radvany and Treasurer Anthony C. Beke. Santa Claus (S. J. Ivancso) greets his friends at the family Christmas party hosted in December by Branch 27 Toledo, Ohio. Branch 8 Johnstown, PA By Vera Petruska Branch 8 President Due to a severe snowstorm, Branch 8’s children’s Christmas party scheduled for Dec. 13 was cancelled. However, we still have gifts we wish to give to each juvenile member. Parents of our young members should call 255- 4348 to arrange pick-up. Branch 10 Barton, OH Branch 40 Martins Ferry, OH Branch 349 Weirton, WV By Louis A. Fodor National Director Our branches held a joint Christ­mas party Dec. 6 in the recreation room of Hartman Manor in Mar­tins Ferry. Fifty members, inclu­ding 15 children, attended. A traditional Hungarian meal was prepared by several of our members and served to party guests by the officers and mem­bers of the Upper Ohio Valley Hungarian-American Cultural Society, who are also members of our Association. The menu in­cluded stuffed cabbage and chick­en with all the trimmings. For dessert we enjoyed birth­day cake and ice cream in celebra­tion of member Joe Tocash’s 84th birthday. Everyone joined in singing happy birthday to Joe. Later on, Santa Claus made an appearance and presented each child with a stocking full of goodies and a $2 bill. Then all joined in a sing-along in English and Hungarian led by club presi­dent John Laslo. Dan Laslo also entertained guests playing Hungarian melo­dies on his violin. Everyone thought this was the best party we ever held. Our thanks to cooks and help­ers John and Sue Laslo, Pat and Chuck Bennett, Joe and Mary Tocash, Jim Kalman and family, Mary and Gilbert Russ, Helen and Bill Albert, Margaret and Dan Laslo, and many others who pitched in. We also thank the William Penn Home Office for the childrens’ stocking stuffers. Branch 13 Trenton, NJ By Elsie H. Radvany Branch 13 Secretary Branch 13 held its annual election of officers and family Christmas party on Dec. 6 at the American Hungarian Democratic Citizens Club. Branch President Frank J. Rad­vany called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. Secretary Elsie H. Radvany read the minutes of November’s meet­ing and Treasurer Anthony C. Beke submitted his report, both of which were accepted. President Radvany read the names of 18 members who passed away during 1992, and all stood for a moment of silent prayer in memory of the deceased. President Radvany also spoke briefly about the events conduc­ted this past year by the Associa­tion and Branch 13. Branch 13 again prepared a Thanksgiving basket which was delivered to the Trenton Rescue Mission for the benefit of the needy and home­less. Unanimously reelected as offi­cers for the coming year were Frank J. Radvany, president; Jo­seph Hamari, vice president; Elsie H. Radvany, secretary; Anthony C. Beke, treasurer; and Margaret Hamari, controller. Stephen Barancz installed the newly elected officers. President Radvany extended Christmas and holiday greetings on behalf of the Board of Direc­tors, National Officers and branch officers. Following the meeting every­one enjoyed a delicious buffet. Christmas stockings filled with goodies were distributed to all present. The fraternal fellowship that followed was enjoyed by all. Branch 13 extends sincere thanks and appreciation to the Association for its contribution for the Christmas party. Sincere thanks are also extended to the entire committee who helped make this event possible. For servicing your insurance needs, please contact Elsie H. Radvany, 2006 Yardley Road, Morrisville, PA 19067, or call (215) 295-2222. Branch 14 Cleveland, OH By Dawn D. Ward Branch 14 President We at Branch 14 hope you had a nice holiday and will be blessed with good health and happiness this new year. The branch kicked off the sea­son’s festivities with its annual children’s Christmas party Dec. 12. Nearly 100 Branch 14 juve­nile members enjoyed a delicious breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus, who, coincidentally, bore a striking resemblance to Bob and Carol Perkins. The adult "admission” to the party will be applied toward a donation to the Cleveland Ronald McDonald House. Santa’s sack of gifts de­lighted the children. The newly elected branch offi­cers are Dawn Ward, president; Carol Perkins, vice president; Caroline Lanzara, secretary; Ernie Sarosi, treasurer; and Rose Kaul, Irene Evans and Bob Perkins, auditors. Thanks to Carol Perkins for doing a great job as sunshine chairwoman this past year. The branch makes a donation to the William Penn scholarship fund in memory of each Branch 14 member who passes away. Mrs. Perkins has done a wonderful job of sending sympathy cards to the families of deceased members and informing them of the donation. She also sends get well cards to Branch 14 members who are ill. If you are aware of any Branch 14 members who are ill, please call the office at 838-1200. Thanks also to Irene Evans who did a wonderful job as re­freshment chairwoman for the monthly branch meetings. Deli­cious refreshments will continue to be provided at the meetings by Emma Oris. William Penn scholarship re­cipient David Stamper is in his second year of a five-year doctor­ate program in environmental biology at Ohio State University. He received a full scholarship and is a teaching assistant of O.S.U. It is very gratifying when scholarship recipients accomplish their academic goals. We’re very proud of David and would appre­ciate hearing updates on other recipients. The next branch meeting is Wednesday, Jan. 13, at 4116 Rockside Road, Independence, at 7:30 p.m. Please plan to attend. Branch 18 Lincoln Park, MI By Barbara Ann House Branch 18 Secretary Pro-Tern I hope everyone had a lovely holiday season and is ready for 1993. Chairman of the holiday food basket program, Louie Almassy, wants to thank all who helped to make this event such a success. A full accounting will appear in our next report. Thanks, Louie, for a job well done. Emma Toth is ever so slowly on the road to recovery. She hasn’t bowled in weeks, so you know how sick she has been. She would like to thank all who re­membered her with cards and thoughtful deeds. Get well soon. Margaret New is also recuper­ating after surgery. Nice to have you back. Say it isn’t so. It can’t possibly be 50 years. They must have been happy years; you both look mar­velous. Congratulations, Mary and Ernie Ecsedi on your golden anniversary. Diamond should be no problem. Way to go, Krisztina Kortvesi! You’re taking America by storm. Solos in the high school program and a 3.75 grade point average. We sure are proud of you. Keep up the good work. Our prayers and sympathy go to the family of Ed Vig who passed away just before Christ­mas. Ed was chief elder of the American Hungarian Reformed Church and a William Penn mem­ber for many years. Rest in peace. It sure was nice to have such a turnout at the last membership meeting. It is very gratifying to see so many members interested in keeping Branch 18 a viable and active branch. Our next meeting will bejan. 4 at 7:00 p.m. at 1410 Southfield in Lincoln Park. Hope to see all interested members. Please call me with any news you would like to share. Branch 27 Toledo, OH By Mary Ivancso Branch 27 Coordinator Branch 27 held its annual election of officers during its December meeting. Elected were Robert A. Ivancso, president; Dorothy Fey­­es, vice president; Mary Ivancso, secretary-treasurer; Maggie But­ler, fraternal coordinator; and Julius Feyes and Stephen J. Ivan­cso Sr., auditors. Saturday, Dec. 12, was the date of the Christmas party, and it was a huge success. The boys and girls loved watching Patrick the Magician perform, and all en­joyed pizza and refreshments. Each child also had his or her picture taken with Santa (S.J. Ivancso). Our thanks to Dorothy Feyes, Maggie Butler, Paula Bodnar and Branch President Robert Ivancso who were responsible for the lovely party. Congratulations to Larry and Kathy Large and their daughter Continued on Page 5 Several young WPA members share a moment with Santa at a party hosted by branches 10, 40 and 349. (Photo by Chuck Bennett)

