William Penn Life, 1985 (20. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

1985-01-01 / 1. szám

and diligence. We give you thanks also for the wisdom you have given to the members of the Board of Directors in establishing guidelines for the Officers and Employees to follow in their daily work. Finally we give you thanks for providing us with dedi­cated Home Office Employees and Field Force who carry out the everyday business of servicing the needs of our valued membership. As we near the holy season of Christmas, we beseech Thee to continue to bless those who have ac­cepted the responsibility of operating this Association, grant to them the peace with this holiday truly represents, peace among each other and peace within themselves and above all, we pray that you bring peace to this troubled world. We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus.” Amen. 5. Secretary of the Board Frank J. Radvany called the roll and the following are present: John Sabo, National Presi­dent; Vice Presidents Albert J. Stelkovics, Stephen Lang, Jr., and John F. Kenawell; Vice President and General Counsel Gay B.- Banes; Gus G. Nagy, National Secretary; John L. Lovász, National Treasurer; Directors Joseph Arvay, Barbara Botkin, Stephen G. Danko, Zoltán Emri, Stephen Ivansco, Albert G. Kertesz, William C. Kohut, John T. Lesko, Roger G. Nagy, Frank J. Radvany, Elmer Toth and Frank J. Wukovits, Jr. Director William Haberstroh will arrive late. Advisory Board Members: John P. Balia, Frank Bero, Stephen Danko, Joseph Toma, and Frank Wukovits, Sr. Absent were Advisory Board Members Elmer Charles and Michael Hegedűs. There being a quorum pre­sent, Chairman Danko of­ficially called the meeting to order. 6. The Agenda was presented to the Board of Directors. It was moved, seconded and the Board adopted the Agenda with the proviso that any matter prop­erly belonging before this meeting may be added thereto during the course of the meeting. AGENDA 1. Call To Order At 10:00 A.M. Mr. Stephen G. Danko, Chairman of the Board of Directors 4 2. Greetings — National President John Sabo 3. Pledge Of Allegiance — Assembly 4. Invocation — Mr. Albert J. Stelkovics, National Vice President 5. Roll Call 6. Adoption Of Agenda 7. Minutes Of Executive Committee Meeting Held November 1, 2, 1984 8. Minutes Of August 20, 21, 22,1984 Board Meeting 9. Review Reports of: a. John Sabo, National President b. Gus G. Nagy, Na­tional Secretary c. John L. Lovász, Na­tional Treasurer d. Gay B. Banes, Vice President Planning & General Counsel e. John F. Kenawell, Ex­ecutive Vice President f. Ron Abels, National Sales Director Report of the following committees: a. Field Operations b. Home Office Building c. St. George Land Cor­poration, Cemetery Corporation and Mt. St. George Home d. Computer Committee — purchase of per­sonal computers — IBM PC AT’s 10. Report of National Golf Tournament, Director Barbara B. Botkin and President John Sabo 11. Report on 1985 National Bowling Tournament Committee, New Bruns­wick, New Jersey, Direc­tor Joseph Arvay 12. 100th Anniversary Plans (Centennial Celebration) 13. Annual Report to the Board of Directors from the National Auditing Committee 14. Report by Elmer Furedy Regarding Home Office Building 15. Transfer of Inactive Branches 16. Acquisition of Social Security Numbers and Computer Input 17. Statue of Liberty Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. 18. Certified Public Ac­countant Kenneth R. Eiserman 19. Requests 20. Letter of Thanks 21. Old Business 22. New Business 23. Good of the Order 24. Adjournment 7. Vice President Albert J. Stelkovics read the Minutes of the Executive Committee meetings held on November 1 and 2, 1984. 8. Director Joseph Arvay requested clarification of the March Minutes of'the Board of Directors pertaining to Point 98, dated March 28, 1984. 9. It was moved, seconded and the Board of Directors accepted the Minutes of the Executive Committee as cor­rected dated November 1 and 2, 1984. It further ratified their actions taken. 10. Mr. Alex Bodnar, printer for the William Penn Life publication, submitted a presentation on the various types and sizes of tabloids which can be used. Following a discussion of this subject, it was moved, seconded and the Board authorized that a tabloid 111/2 x 13% be printed. 11. National President John Sabo commenced to review his report page by page. The renovation cost to our Home Office building which includes the Carriage House will be capitalized and the total value of our Home Office property will be depreciated annually. 12. President Sabo stated that a campaign is being pro­moted by the Statue of Liberty Ellis Island Founda­tion, Inc. for the restoration of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The Hungarian Reformed Federation is also interested in promoting solicitation of funds along with the William Penn Association for this project. It was moved, seconded and the Board of Directors authorized that a resolution be prepared that the Board of Directors of the William Penn Association endorses the ef­forts of the Foundation and encourages its branches and members through our publication to have fund rais­ings for this purpose. All funds would be sent to the Home Office by a certain date at which time the Association will determine the amount of its donation. The total proceeds would be presented to the Foundation at an appropriate time. This would be a joint effort with the Hungarian Reformed Federation. 13. It was moved, sec­onded and the Board ac­cepted the Report of the National President. 14. Chairman Danko recessed the meeting at 5:00 P.M. until 9:00 A.M., Tues­day, December 11, 1984. Respectfully submitted, Frank J. Radvany Secretary of the Board 15. Chairman Danko reconvened the meeting at 9:00 A.M. and same are present. 16. Secretary of the Board Frank J. Radvany read the Minutes of Monday's meeting. It was moved, seconded and the Board accepted the Minutes as corrected. 17. The Board of Directors ensued on a lengthy discus­sion on plans for celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the William Penn Association which will be in 1986. Fol­lowing the discussion where many Directors submitted their opinions, it was moved, seconded and the Board authorized that a tentative budget be adopted for this historic event. A Central Committee was established consisting of all the National Officers including the two Vice Presidents and Chair­man of the Board. It was further established that Pitts­burgh, Pennsylvania will be the location for holding the main celebration. It was established that each Director will be chairman or co­­chairman for any celebration they may wish to conduct in their locality. It was also re­quested that each Director who plans to conduct an event in their locality, submit tentative plans as to the type of event they wish to conduct along with estimated cost. 18. Mr. Ron Abels, Sales Director, submitted his report to the Board of the Directors. The Board acknowledged the report of the Sales Direc­tor with sincere thanks and appreciation. 19. It was moved, sec­onded and the Board adopted that the 1986 Na­tional Sales Conference be held on August 28, 29, 30 and 31, 1986 in Pittsburgh, Pa., in conjunction with our 100th anniversary. 20. Mr. Elmer A. Furedy, Project Engineer, submitted Progress Report No. 4 per­taining to the Home Office Building No. 2. He submitted a proposal for the installation of an additional doorway and a central air conditioning system for Building No. 2. It was moved, seconded and the Board authorized these projects and that con­tracts be awarded to the lowest bidders. 21. Mr. Furedy also sub­mitted Progress Report No. 9 pertaining to Building No. 1 It was moved, seconded and the Board referred the matter of smoke and heat detector system and building security system to the Executive Committee for consideration and recommen­dation. The Board acknowledged Mr. Furedy’s report with thanks and ap­preciation. 22. National Secretary Gus G. Nagy submitted his report to the Board of Directors. He discussed Fringe Benefits, Short and Long Term Disability for full time Na­tional Officers, appointed Officers and Home Office Employees, 1984 Christmas Parties and Branches. Director Joseph Arvay reported that there were meetings held with represen­tatives of all the New Jersey branches pertaining to the 1985 Bowling Tournament to be held in New Brunswick, New Jersey. The Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Brunswick has been re­served, the bowling alley has been reserved and to date everything is progressing satisfactorily in preparing for this event. The Board acknowledged the report of the National Secretary with sincere thanks and appreciation. 23. It was moved, sec­onded and the Board of Directors appointed National Secretary Gus G. Nagy as the 1985 Bowling Tourna­ment Administrator and Directors Joseph Arvay and \

